Incoming : Exchange Program

Students who are interested in studying at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences as exchange students

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences has established International Graduate Student Exchange Agreements with overseas universities and institutions to promote collaborative research to reciprocal academic benefits for both the faculty and graduate students. Every year, around 20 exchange students enroll at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. Exchange students can stay at the University of Tokyo for a maximum of one year. Please note that undergraduate level students who are working on their graduation thesis cannot apply.

1. Look for a research advisor

In the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, all students, including exchange students, belong to a research laboratory and conduct research under their research advisor. If you are interested in studying abroad at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, first find the supervising faculty member who you would like to receive guidance from, then contact them directly to discuss your research plan and confirm whether or not they can take you under their wings.

*Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Faculty Members

*(For Reference) University of Tokyo Databases of Researchers

2. Confirmation of Partner Universities

After finding your mentor, please check and confirm whether the university you belong to is a partner university of the university of Tokyo. There are two major types of partner schools.

1. Universities with which the University of Tokyo has signed Memorandum of Understanding concerning university-wide student exchange.

The list of the partner universities are available at the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP) website.

2. Universities that have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at School Level.

for the list of GSFS partner schools.

3. Status of applicants

If a student from a partner school enrolls in the University of Tokyo, the status granted is "Special Auditing Student" or "Special Research Student".

Payment of tuition fees to the University of Tokyo during the period of enrollment in the University of Tokyo will be exempted only if students of the partner university enter the university through the designated procedures.

If a student of a non partner school enrolls in the University of Tokyo, the status granted is "Special Research Student" only.

Please check to see what status you are applying for.

4. Application procedures

If you are from any of our partner schools, first of all, please contact the office in charge of exchange study at your university for information. All partner universities have a quota on the numbers of students exchange between each university. Once you have received a recommendation, please start your application process with the University of Tokyo.

1. Students who belong to partner universities of the University of Tokyo

Please refer to the University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP)site.

In the application form, there is a field for entering the name of the academic advisor, so please enter the name of the faculty member of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences who has accepted your request. Those who wish to study abroad at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences must obtain the consent of their academic advisor before applying.

2. Students who belong to Universities that have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at School Level

Please apply to the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, International Liaison Office which is in charge of handling the applications.
Please click here

5. FAQ's