- 講義:
- 2020年7月15日 16:50~18:20
- 場所:
- オンラインにて開催

三戸 利行 客員教授

Inferring how genetic sequences have evolved, probably
Martin Frith 教授All living things have genetic sequences, which have gradually changed over 4 billion years, and hold the information for the functioning of each organism. We have recently entered a scientific golden age where we can obtain these sequences and study them, but our understanding of them is still very limited. The most productive analysis method has been to detect sequences that are related by common ancestry (e.g. between distantly-related organisms), and trace how they have changed (e.g. between healthy and diseased human cells). The most powerful and elegant way to do this is based on probability calculations.

佐々木 淳 教授東京湾を対象として、内湾管理に関する経緯、現状、および課題を挙げ、官民連携による内湾の環境再生に向けた取り組みについて考察する。