UTSIP Kashiwa
- provides hands-on research internship opportunities in the fields of natural sciences and social sciences.
- offers lectures from world-leading researchers at GSFS.
- is a seven-week summer program for academically motivated undergraduate students.
- provides a scholarship and accommodations.
All participants will be assigned to a laboratory in which he/she is interested to work and will conduct a research project under the guidance of a faculty member or senior graduate students. Participants will also experience Japanese culture and world-leading Japanese technology through weekend events and a field trip.
Those who have completed UTSIP and wish to study at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences can apply for "Category 2" of "the World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program in Proactive Environmental Studies (WINGS-PES)", a five-year MSc and PhD program. Applications must be submitted at the same time as the application for the entrance examination and the results will be announced at the same time as the results of the entrance examination. If the prescribed conditions are met, financial support (180,000 yen per month for five years) is available.

International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
UTSIP Kashiwa, which had been open only to undergraduate students of overseas universities, will be open to students of the University of Tokyo's College of Liberal Arts in 2022.
Please see here for the detail.