Past Gakuyugo Seminar |

AY2007 5th Gakuyugo Seminar

Nov 21, 2007 
Associate Professor Kimiya Komurasaki

"Energy beaming for aircraft and spacecraft."

Associate Professor Kimiya Komurasaki

Examples of the development of wireless energy transmission systems using electromagnetic beams will be presented. These include the development of a power transmission system for small unmanned airplanes using a microwave phased array, and a microwave rocket launch experiment using gyrotron oscillation millimeter waves.

Associate Professor Hajime Kamijo

Current status and development of academic Fusion on intellectual property rights Figure

Associate Professor Hajime Kamijo

In Japan, one of the top IP countries in the world in terms of the number of patent applications, a large amount of research funds have been invested and many intellectual properties in the field of biotechnology have been created, but how to link them to industrialization has become an issue. In our laboratory, we have established a cross-industrial research group "IP Frontier Research Group" which aims at academic fusion of genome science, scientific sociology, and law through discussions and exchanges with people from different fields in order to handle intellectual property in a way that it can be used for business, based on the overall picture of biotechnology, intellectual property law, and business. In this way, the IP Frontier Study Group has been launched. In this way, we believe that the academic field of intellectual property rights has been fusing with various academic fields in recent years. I would like to talk about the academic fusion surrounding the research field of intellectual property rights.

Professor Yukio Yanagisawa

Let's look at the ubiquitous air from the perspective of environmental studies.

Professor Yukio Yanagisawa

Air is everywhere, from the air that surrounds you in a space of a few meters when you are working at your desk, to the air that surrounds the earth in a space of tens of thousands of kilometers when you are thinking about climate change issues. As the size of the space differs, so does the perspective from which the quality of the air is evaluated, i.e. the perspective of environmental studies. Let's consider the whole picture of air as a subject of environmental studies.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.