AY2013 6th Gakuyugo Seminar
- Date&Time:
- Nov 27, 2013 16:40 - 18:10
- Venue:
- Large Lecture Room (2C0), New Frontier Science Bldg.

Wearable Biometric Sensing for Health Management and Preventive Medicine
Professor Ichiro Yamada
As the world's aging society progresses, there is an urgent need to shift from conventional passive medicine to health management and preventive medicine. The first task is to understand the current situation, and it is necessary to develop a health care information processing system using wearable biometric sensing. In this paper, we describe the development trend and future prospects of health care information processing systems, focusing on wearable biometric sensing (blood pressure, eating habits, stress).

Mission design for deep space exploration
Visiting Associate Professor Yasuhiro Kawakatsu
This lecture introduces the concept and planning process of deep space exploration missions, which send probes to the moon and planets to bring about various new discoveries, using actual examples. Unlike satellites orbiting the Earth, deep space probes need to reach distant target celestial bodies on their own. The path that a spacecraft navigates is called an "orbit," and its design is the first step in planning an exploration. The design of the orbit determines the exploration schedule, the size of the spacecraft, the design conditions, and provides the framework for the exploration mission. Therefore, orbit design is often called "mission design. In this seminar, examples of the asteroid explorer "Hayabusa2" and the solar explorer "SOLAR-D" will be discussed.

The World Will Look a Little Different Tomorrow: Information and Life Sciences
Ayumu Iwasaki
Genome information is the foundation of all life activities, including our own, and is also a record of history from ancestral life to modern life. Transcriptome information contains a wealth of knowledge about the entire genes functioning in the genome, and metagenome information contains a wealth of knowledge about the ecosystems of environmental microorganisms. In this seminar, we will introduce a selection of topics from the field of information and life sciences, in which this information is analyzed from a bird's eye view and linked to new concepts and hypotheses, so that the world will look a little different tomorrow.
*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.