AY2020 2nd Gakuyugo Seminar
- Date&Time:
- Jun 17, 2020 16:50 - 18:20
- Venue:
- Held online

Cyber Forest
Professor Kaoru Saito
In 1997, the University of Tokyo's Cyberforest developed two robotic cameras that automatically record the natural forest of the University of Tokyo's Chichibu Experiment Forest every day, and began releasing data under the slogan "Real Nature Beyond the Internet. In 2010, we introduced satellite communications and a solar battery system to transmit video and sound from the site to a server on the university campus, and built a live sound distribution and data recording system that has been in continuous operation for a long time through maintenance and improvement.

Strongly Interacting Electron Populations: From Insulators to High-Temperature Superconductivity
Associate Professor Kenichiro Hashimoto
In a group of materials called "strongly correlated electron systems" where strong Coulomb repulsion works between electrons, a great variety of physical phenomena appear, ranging from insulating states called Mott insulators to high-temperature superconductivity. In these physical phenomena, the properties of electrons, such as charge, spin, and orbital, which are the fundamental degrees of freedom, really come into play. In this seminar, we will introduce interesting physical phenomena that appear in Mott insulators and high temperature superconductors.

Plant regeneration research
Professor Yukihiro MatsunagaPlants can live for more than 3,000 years. One of the secrets of their longevity is their strong regenerative power. Even if the plant is cut down to a partial organ, such as by pruning or cutting, it can still regenerate into the original plant. There are many unknowns about the strength of this plant's regenerative power. I would like to introduce our research and discuss how we can contribute to society by studying the regenerative power of plants.
*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.