1. If you still have questions after reading the following Q&A, please contact us using the inquiry form.

2. In addition to the general application documents, departments may require other materials. Please review the website of the department to which you will apply.

Before Application

Can I obtain application material by email or by online database?

Application guidelines can be downloaded from the Graduate School Admissions Information page. Paper copies are not available.

Will I be disadvantaged if I don't attend an entrance examination briefing session?

No, there is no disadvantage. However, briefing sessions are good opportunities to talk to professors in person about research and school life, and we recommend attending one.

Is it possible to visit my desired laboratory?

Yes, but the visit must be done before the application deadline. Please contact the professor of your desired laboratory, and make an appointment. For the contact details of each professor, refer to each department's Entrance Examination Guides.

If I visit laboratories, can I ask my desired supervising professors about the entrance examinations?

No, professors will not answer questions about the entrance examinations such as how to study for the examination. However, you can discuss questions about the research conducted in their laboratory, the research they are able to supervise, school life, and possible careers after graduation.

Is it possible to visit my desired supervising professors, or contact them by email before entrance examinations?

Yes, it is possible to contact or visit professors before the application deadline. Consulting professors on research prior to application is helpful to confirm if your research plan meets the research conducted in their laboratory, and will result in smooth research activities after enrollment. If you are a doctoral course applicant, please be sure to contact professors prior to application. The contact details of each professor can be found in each department's Entrance Examination Guides and on the GSFS website. However, depending on the major and the type of entrance examination, it may be a condition of application that you contact your desired academic advisor in advance, so please check the website or entrance examination guide of the major you wish to enter.

Do I need to take the individual screening for entrance qualification?

Whether or not you are required to go through an individual admissions process depends on which of the eligibility criteria you meet. Please carefully read and check the Application Requirements page of the Application Guidebook.

Yes, you may include any or all research projects. But you should keep your explanations concise.

Application Procedures

I completed my Foundation, Bachelor and Master's degrees in the UK. Therefore, am I exempt from taking TOEFL/IELTS?

English test may be exempted depending on departments. Please confirm with the entrance examination guide of the department you intend to apply.

Graduation in my university is held at the end of June, and certificates of degree and diplomas are issued after that. Should I provide a Certificate of Enrollment?
Applicants who are currently enrolled in school at the time of application are not required to submit original certificates of graduation, degree, etc. Graduates are required to upload their diplomas, certificates of completion, and degree certificates in PDF format via the online application system. After acceptance, please submit the original documents at the time of admission procedures.
Should I send the original application documents or copies?
When applying, please upload the PDF file of your certification documents from the online application system. You do not need to send the original documents. Please keep the original documents in a safe place, as they will be required during the admission process. Please note that only originals or certified copies of original documents will be accepted for degrees, certificates, and transcripts. An original certified copy is a copy issued by the university as a true and correct copy of the original document and bearing the university's official seal. If you are unable to send the original, please ask your home university to make a certified copy of the original and send it to us. Copies not certified by the university will not be accepted.
Will my application be accepted after the application deadline in the event of extenuating circumstances?

Unfortunately, no. No applications are accepted after the application deadline under any circumstances.


How competitive is the entrance examination?
For the number and percentage of successful applicants, please refer to the Graduate School's website below.
Past Admission Results (Master's Program) Past Admission Results (Doctoral Program)
Where can I obtain past entrance examination tests?
It is available on the Graduate School's website (https://www.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/assets/files/past_entrance_tests_j.pdf) or on the department's Admissions web page. Past exam questions not listed here are not publicly available.
If I am admitted for October entry and if I do not complete my degree requirements by September, can I enroll in April of the following year?

No, you cannot change your enrollment date after the result of the entrance examinations has been announced.

Is the result of the entrance examinations affected by the applicant's graduating university?

No. All applicants are treated equally in the application review process.

Will phone, email or fax inquires for the examination results be accepted?
No response will be made. The acceptance announcement will be made on the bulletin board on campus (Kashiwa Campus) and on the Graduate School's homepage.
Do you disclose the employment destinations of your graduate students?
This information is published on this Web page under "Status of Employment after Completion, etc.". In addition, information may also be found on the web page of each department, etc., so please refer to these pages.
Where can I get advice on job placement?
Each department has a faculty member in charge of employment, so you can consult with him or her after enrollment. In addition, the University of Tokyo as a whole offers support services and employment seminars.

International student

I want to apply for the scholarship. Will I be automatically considered for the scholarship when I apply for the regular course, or do I need to apply for the scholarship separately?
All scholarships must be applied for separately. However, scholarship-based admissions are also available (Japanese Government Scholarship, Asian Development Bank Scholarship, and China Scholarship Council Scholarship). For details, please refer to the following Special Selection with Scholarship page.
May I apply for the Special Selection for Applicants with Professions?

For the Special Selection for Applicants with Professions, requirements may vary by department. Please inquire with the contact person of your prospective department regarding specific requirements. In addition, it is advisable to ask them if the special selection is available in English or not.

I transferred into the third year of a Japanese university from university outside Japan, and graduated from the Japanese university. Am I eligible to apply for the Special Selection for Applicants with Overseas Education?

No. Those who have graduated from a Japanese university must apply for the Ordinary Examination even if they have been enrolled in an university outside Japan.

Is Japanese language proficiency required to enter GSFS regular course?

Whether or not you can complete the regular course without Japanese language proficiency depends on the department and supervisor.Please contact your prospective supervisor in GSFS for this question.

I am planning to enter the regular course in October after taking the Schedule A entrance exam. Are there any points to note?

In order to have your status of residence determined upon landing, you will need a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). Host institutions will apply for CoEs on behalf of prospective students and will become ready to start the application procedures only after successful candidates are notified of admission. CoEs are usually issued three months after host institutions file applications. Therefore, non-Japanese applicants planning to newly enter Japan are fully expected to choose "April Admission" in the entrance examination Schedule A, and "October Admission" in the entrance examination Schedule B.(For more information, please refer to "Guidelines for Applicants" and "Flowchart and FAQ on the enrollment timing for foreign applicants" on the following pages.)

Who can help me with my visa application? I might need some necessary documents for a short visit visa, so as to enter Japan for my exam.

Regarding a short-term visa for taking the entrance examination, please contact the GSFS Internal Liaison Office (ilo.secretariat@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp *Please note that @ is displayed as an image to prevent SPAM.).

I still have not received my visa so I cannot go to Japan during the admission period. What should I do?
Admission procedures can be completed by mail. Please read carefully the "Procedures for Admission" enclosed with your letter of admission.
I would like to obtain a Student visa. Could you explain the application procedure?

To obtain Student visa, you have to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) first.
It usually takes about 7 to 10 weeks for the screening process at the Immigration office in Japan. For CoE application, please contact the GSFS Student Affairs Team (k-kyomu@adm.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp *Please note that @ is displayed as an image to prevent SPAM.). You need to submit the materials below so that we can apply on your behalf.

  1. Application for Certificate of Eligibility (For Applicant, Part 1,2,3)
  2. Copies of the pages of your passport with your name and passport number on them
  3. One photo (40 mm H x 30 mm W)
  4. Document showing how you will support your expenses while you are in Japan

After you receive CoE, please apply for a "Student Visa" at your nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate. You can receive your residence card at the airport when you arrive in Japan.

Although I plan to apply for the English course, I can speak Japanese very well and I have an N1 degree in JLPT. So, if I'm enrolled, may I take courses given in Japanese?

Yes, anyone, including international students, can take courses given in Japanese.

Where can I obtain information about accommodations offered by University or GSFS.
For more information about housing for international students, please see the following page.