Information on Entrance Examinations

Welcome to our website for information on entrance examinations.
This website shows the necessary information on GSFS entrance examinations.

[Important] For those who are applying
・Applications must be submitted online.
・Please make sure that you can receive emails from the [ ] domain sent from the online application site.
・If you have any questions, please check "6. FAQs" at the bottom of this page.
・The Guidelines for Applicants to the 2026 [Master's and doctoral programs] have been released. (March 24, 2025)

Application Period

●May 16 (Fri) to 22 (Thu), 2025, at 23:00 (Japan Standard Time) (Special Oral Exam)
●June 5 (Thu) to 11(Wed), 2025, at 23:00 (Japan Standard Time) (Schedule A)

●November 11(Tue) to 17 (Mon), 2025, at 23:00 (Japan Standard Time) (Schedule B)


1. Briefing sessions on entrance examinations

The Briefing Session for 2026 GSFS Entrance Examination will be held on April 5, 2025 (The session will be conducted in Japanese.)(released on February 4, updated on March 24)

Briefing Session on 2026 Entrance Examinations by Department/Program (updated on March 25, 2025)


2. Guidelines for Applicants and Entrance Examination Guides

2-1. Guidelines to Master's Program

(Ordinary Examination, Special Selection for Applicants with Overseas Education)

Download PDF *The application guideline for the academic year 2026 has been released on the website on March 24, 2025.

2-2. Guidelines to Doctoral Program

Download PDF *The application guideline for the academic year 2026 has been released on the website on March 24, 2025.

2-3. Entrance Examination Guides / Application / Documents Information

Please get the information of entrance examination, application form, and check sheet from the web page of entrance examination for department. (Clicking on the name of the department will take you to the entrance examination page for that department.)
For application documents, submission method, deadline, etc. for each department, please refer to "Application Documents Information.pdf" of each department.

  *Information on Admission Schedule A for the 2026 academic year will be updated sequentially from mid-April 2025. (March 24, 2025)
Admissions Guide for department (HP for each department) Information on application documents (list of documents to be submitted and deadlines)
Department of Advanced Materials Science ・The entrance examination for the master's program on Schedule B will not be held.
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on October 3)
Department of Advanced Energy Schedule B will not be held
Department of Complexity Science and Engineering ・The entrance examination for the master's program on Schedule B will not be held.
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on September 19)
Department of Integrated Biosciences Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on October 29)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on October 29)
Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on October 3)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on October 3)
Department of Natural Environmental Studies Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on September 26)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on September 26)
Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on November 11)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on November 11)
Department of Environment Systems Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on September 19)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on September 19)
Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies Please refer to "Inquiry Sheet and Documents Checklist" on However, for the details of the submission items specified in the Guidelines for Applicants to Master's/Doctoral Program, please refer to the Guidelines for Applicants to Master's/Doctoral Program. If you have any questions about submissions not listed in the Guidelines for Applicants to Master's/Doctoral Program, please email the department directly at
Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies Schedule B will not be held
Department of International Studies Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on September 19)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf(Posted on September 19)
Graduate Program in Sustainability Science Master's Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on September 26)
Doctoral Program(Schedule B).pdf (Posted on September 26)

"Division of Environmental Studies 2025/ Guide to the 2025 Entrance Examination of Master's & Doctoral Programs"←It is common to all environmental studies departments. *Updated April 12, 2024.

2-4. Online Application Site / The Online Application Flow

*My Page Registration will be available from 9:00 a.m. April 15, 2024.

3. Contacts and inquires

Student Affairs Team
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
The University of Tokyo

If you have any questions regarding the Entrance Examinations, please contact us using the form below.
Inquiry Form : (February 25, 2025 URL updated)

  • We will reply to your inquiry approximately within three working days.
  • Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries unrelated to the entrance exam.
  • Please check "6. FAQs" on the entrance examination page of our website before making inquiries.
  • No inquiries are accepted by phone and/or email for the results of the entrance examinations.

4. Reviewing past examination results (Japanese version only) • Requesting past tests

Reviewing past examination results (Japanese version only) • Requesting past tests

6. FAQs


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