African Development Bank - Japan Africa Dream Scholarship Program

1. What is African Development Bank - Japan Africa Dream Scholarship Program (JADS)?

JADS is a capacity building project organized by the African Development Bank and the government of Japan. They provide two-year scholarship awards to African students studying at master level at their designated institutions. Please check the JADS eligibility first in the following link.

JADS Details:

GSFS is one of the designated institutions for the JADS Program.

2. Applicable departments at GSFS

GSFS consists of three divisions, Transdisciplinary Sciences, Biosciences, and Environmental Studies.
Currently, only the Division of Environmental Studies, which consists of six departments, and the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science have been appointed as an educational institution by AfDB.

3. Application Procedure

The application procedure for those who wish to enroll in the master's program at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences with the JADS Scholarship is as follows:

    • 1)Decide on a Supervisor and Major

      Students in the master's program at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences must conduct research and write a master's thesis to graduate. Therefore, before applying, you should create a research proposal for the research you wish to conduct and check if there is a faculty member in our graduate school who can supervise the planned research. Consult with them directly via email or other means. If the faculty member determines that it is not appropriate to supervise the applicant, the application process may not proceed. When contacting the faculty member via email, it is recommended to include a self-introduction, what you want to study/research, the desired time of enrollment, and your intention to apply for the JADS Scholarship.

      Faculty Search:

    • 2)Take the Entrance Examination

      The entrance examination for the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences is held twice a year, in Schedule A and Schedule B. The method of implementation varies by department/program, so please check the relevant website carefully and apply accordingly.

      Schedule A

      Application Period: : June
      Examination Date : July to August (varies by department)
      Result Announcement : Early September
      Recommendation to JADS : September
      Enrollment Period : April of the following year

      Schedule B

      Application Period : November
      Examination Date : January to February of the following year (varies by department)
      Result Announcement : Mid-February of the following year
      Recommendation to JADS : February of the following year
      Enrollment Period : October of the following year

      Application Method:

      For some departments, it may be necessary to travel to Japan to take the examination. For the entrance examination in the academic year 2024, the following majors do not require travel to Japan for the examination:

      ● Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies

      ● Department of International Studies

      ● Department of Natural Environmental Studies

      ● Graduate Program in Sustainability Science

    • 3)Our graduate school will recommend to JADS those who meet the application qualifications specified by JADS from among the successful candidates of the entrance examination.

    • 4)The result of the JADS scholarship grant will be notified to the applicant by our graduate school.

    • 5)Apply for a visa and proceed with entry and enrollment.
      International students who do not hold Japanese nationality must enter Japan with a student visa by the enrollment date.

4. Contact Information

International Liaison Office

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
The University of Tokyo (*Please note that @ is displayed as an image to prevent SPAM.)