OKUDA Hiroshi
(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies/Computational Mechanics, High Performance Computing

Career Summary
1985: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Dept. of Nuclear Eng.
1990: Received engineering doctorate from the University of Tokyo
1990: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Precision Machinery Eng., the University of Tokyo
1994: Associate Professor, Dept. of Quantum Eng. and Sys. Sci., the University of Tokyo
1996: Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Yokohama National University
2000: Associate Professor, Dept. of Quantum Eng. and Sys. Sci., the University of Tokyo
2005: Professor, Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, the University of Tokyo
2012-present: Professor, Dept. of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, the University of Tokyo
Educational Activities
Graduate school: Environmental Simulation, Artifacts Engineering
Faculty of Engineering: Advanced Computing, Artifacts Engineering
Research Activities
Applied Mathematics for Complicated Coupled Problems:
In the field of industry and biology, there are various problems in which the velocity of fluids, displacement of structures, and temperature and electro-magnetic variables are complicatedly coupled. Mathematical and numerical algorithms to solve such complicated coupled problems are constantly being developed. (Ref. 1)
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of enhanced temperature fluid.
HPC Infrastructure for Next-Generation Exa-Scale Computer System:
Middleware for parallel FEM, namely High End Computing Middle Ware (HEC-MW) and ppOpen-APL/FEM, have been developed. Common and distinct functions of FEM are extracted and rearranged as a library for developing parallel applications. This library can shield the complicated features of hardware from the application developer?fs view and provide programing convenience under parallel computer environments. Parallel iterative equation solvers using the GPGPU and accelerators for hierarchal and heterogeneous environments have also been developed. (Ref. 2)
High End Computing Middle Ware (HEC-MW) for parallel FEM.
Industrial Applications of Parallel FEM System FrontISTR:
With the aims of improving manufacturing design and clarifying physical phenomena, a large-scale parallel structural analysis system called FrontISTR has been developed. FrontISTR has been applied to structural analysis in the industrial fields in order to reduce the time and cost for the design of industrial equipment as well as to clarify the root causes behind complicated phenomena. A wide range of industrial collaborations have been performed, including (1) dynamic friction behaviors between a rail and a fast-running train?fs wheel, (2) large strain evaluation of fill rubber tire, (3) fluid structure coupled behavior of turbine blades, (4) thermal structural deformation of electrical devices, (5) thermal elastic-plastic residual stress of large-scale welded structures, (6) friction of power transmission belt, and more. (Ref. 3)
Simulation of thermal structural deformation of electrical devices by parallel FEM FrontISTR using the FX-10 supercomputer (23,040 cores).
Cloud CAE Service of Parallel FE Structural Analysis:
For researchers and engineers who use ForntISTR, a SaaS system has been developed on a hybrid computer cloud including supercomputers. Processes of computer settings and the burden of manual learning can be reduced.
Demonstration system of cloud CAE service.
Design of Environment Agents and Simulations of Constructing a Low-Carbon Society:
Middleware MADS/SAGS, which supports the propagation and analysis of environmental values, has been developed. It has been applied to non-engineering valued problems such as the diffusion process of low-carbon energy technologies like fuel cell vehicles, uncertainty control in molten steel temperature, and the construction process of a hydrogen society. (Ref. 4)
Simulation of construction process of hydrogen society.
1) Gaku Hashimoto, Kenji Ono, and Hiroshi Okuda, Application of a fixed Eulerian mesh-based scheme based on the level set function generated by virtual nodes to large-deformation fluid-structure interaction, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 287-318, 2012.
2) O. A. Fagerlund, T. Kitayama, G. Hashimoto, and H. Okuda, Effect of GPU Communication-Hiding for SpMV using OpenACC, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2015, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijcm.
3) H. Sakai, M. Takagaki, M. Hayashi, A. Aikawa, H. Okuda, and J. Yin, Dynamic Rolling Contact Analysis between Wheel/Rail by Large-Scale Parallel FEM, Railways 2014, Corsica, France, 2014/04.
4) T. Kuramoto, H. Okuda, and Y. Chen, Analysis of Short-Selling Influence on Crashes by the Agent-Based Simulation, Computer Software, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 120-129, 2014. (in Japanese)
Other Activities
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
Japan Society for Computational and Engineering Science
Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Japan Society for Simulation Technology
Japan Society for Fluid Mechanics
Society for Serviceology
Future Plan
Currently we are developing engineering simulation technologies for a future ?gartifacts simulator?h that can quantify the artifacts?f value considering relations with humans, society, and environments.
Messages to Students
High Performance Computing (HPC) is one of the most active research fields in which Japan is taking the initiative. Always keep in mind that your academic research work is connected with the frontline of industrial needs. This research field is a good fit for optimistic individuals who can meticulously record their ideas and working processes.