(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies/ Urban spatial analysis, spatial statistics

Career Summary
1997: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering (University of Tokyo)
1999: Received Master's Degree in Engineering (University of Tokyo)
2004: Received Ph.D. in Geography from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
2004-06: Assistant Professor (Department of Geography and School of Informatics, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
2006-10: Assistant Professor (Department of Geography, University of Utah)
2010-13: Associate Professor (Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo; co-appointment during 2011-13)
2011-13: Associate Professor (Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
2013-19: Professor (Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Chuo University)
2019: Professor (Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo)
Educational Activities
Graduate school: Spatial Information Analysis, Spatial Information Analysis Exercises
Research Activities
My research specialty is urban spatial analysis, which aims at understating various phenomena occurring in urban spaces in terms of their spatial distributions and latent systems ruling them. My research consists of both theoretical research to develop analytical methods for spatial and spatio-temporal data and applications to investigate a particular spatial phenomenon using such analytical methods and data.
Themes of theoretical research: spatio-temporal analysis focusing upon temporal changes in spatial distributions, spatial analysis on networks, etc.
Themes of applications: neighborhood walkability, patient spatial dynamics, etc.
1) Yamada, I. and J.-C. Thill. Local Indicators of Network-constrained Clusters in Spatial Point Patterns. Geographical Analysis, 39 (3), 2007, 268-292.
2) Rogerson, P.A. and I. Yamada. Statistical Detection and Surveillance of Geographic Clusters. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2009.
3) Yamada, I., B.B. Brown, K.R. Smith, C.D. Zick, L. Kowaleski-Jones, and J.X. Fan. Mixed Land Use and Obesity: An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Land Use Measures and Geographic Scales. The Professional Geographer, 64 (2), 2012, 157-177.
4) Yamada, I. and A. Okabe. Examining Tail Distributions of Moran's I Statistic through Intensive Simulations. In Harvey, F. and L. Yee (eds.): Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis (Select Papers from the 16th IGU Spatial Data Handling Symposium), 2015, 309-317.
Other Activities
Geographic Information Systems Association in Japan (Director 2018-), City Planning Institute of Japan, Association of Japanese Geographers,Japan Geoscience Union (Representative 2020-), Science Council of Japan (Member 2014-), Association of American Geographers, etc.
Future Plan
My goal is to develop analytical methods to capture and predict cities' situations and changes using spatial big data so as to support decision making in city planning and other fields.
Messages to Students
I hope you will develop your specialties, broaden your horizons, and find 'joy of research' through your study in the University.