GSFS Faculty


(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)

Department of Environment Systems/Applied geophysics, Energy resources systems learned from ecosystems

Career Summary

1992: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering (University of Tokyo)

1999: Received engineering doctorate from University of Tokyo

1994-2005: Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) (Presently, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) )

1996-99: Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo (transferred temporarily from GSJ)

2002-2004: Japan National Oil Corporation (Presently, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)) (transferred temporarily from AIST)

2005-2019: Associate Professor,Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

2019-: Professor (University of Tokyo)

Educational Activities

Graduate school:Environment Systems II, Basics of Environment Systems II

Research Activities

1) Development of new algorithms for investigating physical properties of subsurface rocks (ref-1) and their validation by laboratory measurements (ref-2) and rock physics modeling (ref-3).
2) Estimation of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) which is defined as the ratio between the quantity of energy delivered to society by an energy system and the quantity of energy used directly and indirectly in that process (ref-4).Quantitative studies on the relationship between energy quality (EROI) and quality of life (QoL) (ref-5).


1) Matsushima, J., M.Y. Ali, F. Bouchaala, 2016, Seismic attenuation estimation from zero-offset VSP data using seismic interferometry, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 204, 1288-1307.
2) Matsushima, J., Suzuki, M., Kato, Y., and Rokugawa, S., 2016, Ultrasonic
measurements of attenuation and velocity of compressional and shear wave in partially frozen unconsolidated sediment and synthetic porous rock, Geophysics, vol.81, no.2, pp. D141?D153.
3) Zhan, L. and J. Matsushima, 2018, Frequency-dependent P-wave attenuation in hydrate-bearing sediments: a rock physics study at Nankai Trough, Japan, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 214,1961?1985.
4) Yaritani, H. and Matsushima, J., 2014, Analysis of the energy balance of shale gas development, Energies, vol. 7(4), 2207-2227.
5) Liu, B. and J. Matsushima, 2019, Annual changes in energy quality and quality of life: a cross-national study of 29 OECD and 37 non-OECD countries, Energy Reports, vol. 5, 1354-1364.

Other Activities

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)
Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ)
Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology (JAPT)
The Mottainai society

Future Plan

1) Creation of transdisciplinary sciences based on georesources-oriented geophysical technologies
2) Development of scientific frames for energy policies based on energy resources systems learned from ecosystems

Messages to Students

Sharpen the edge of your shovel.