(Visiting Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Environment Systems/Transition to a Cycle-Oriented Society

Career Summary
2004: PhD from Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tsukuba
2002: NIMS junior researcher, Ecomaterial center, National Institute for Materials Science
2004: JST postdoctoral researcher, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
2005: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
2007: Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2012: Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2015.4: Visiting Associate Professor (concurrent), Department of Environmental Systems, The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Educational Activities
Graduate School: Introduction to Environmental Systems
Research Activities
My research activities include:
- Sustainable resource management, Sustainable resource use
- Metal recyclings
- Social value of materials
For the details of the information, please access the following page:
Other Activities
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ), The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, The Ecomaterials Forumn, The society of Non-Traditional Technology
Future Plan
I would like to supervise and mentor students so that they can change the material cycle and social system to promote sustainable society
Messages to Students
Let's have a fruitful time to learn flexible mindset and extensive knowledge.