(Associate Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of International Studies/Environmental Resource Governance

Career Summary
2000: Graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering (Kyoto University)
2002: Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering (Kyoto University)
2005: Received Ph.D. in Engineering from Kyoto University
2005: Research Fellow (Kyoto University)
2006: Research Associate (Tohoku University)
2007: Assistant Professor (Tohoku University)
2008: Associate Professor (Nagasaki University)
2013: Associate Professor (University of Tokyo)
Educational Activities
Graduate School: Introduction to Formal Analysis of Conflict and Cooperation, Introduction to Geoinformatics
Research Activities
Analysis of conflict and institution in water utilization of international rivers (Literature 1)
Behavioral analysis of local residents in managing common resources (water and forest) (Literature 2)
Constraints on participatory development caused by regional culture (gender, social network) (Literature 3)
1) Sakamoto, M. (2013) The Strategy of Information Sharing and Coalition Formation: The Case of the Ganges, Sensarma, S.R. and Sarkar, A. (eds), Disaster Risk Management -Conflict and Cooperation-, Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, pp. 218-237.
2) Sakai, A., Takahashi, K., Sakamoto, M., Hagihara, Y., and Hagihara, K. (2008) Water Supply and Sanitation Relating Risks and Social Environment in Rural Areas in Bangladesh, 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, pp. 601-612.
3) Sakamoto, M., Fukushima, Y., and Hagihara, Y. (2007) Socio-Environmental Approach to Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination Disaster on Drinking Water in Bangladesh, Proc. of International Conference on Water & Flood Management, Vol.1, pp. 11-18.
Other Activities
Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Regional Science Association International, Japan Society for International Development, Japanese Group Dynamics Association
Future Plan
I primarily use mathematical model analysis and statistics for conflict analysis of the water utilization of international rivers, or common resources management in the local villages of less developed countries. However, we should not completely depart from reality by focusing too much on data, models, and theories. I would like to perform research that strikes a balance between theory and reality, thereby contributing knowledge that is useful in fields in the real world.
Messages to Students
I believe that studying at the Kashiwa Campus is one of the best options if you're thinking of studying in Japan. You will be exposed to a variety of research perspectives as well as a good environment here. Spending a fruitful time and broadening your capacity for learning will help form a solid base for your future development.