GSFS Faculty

OKADA Masato

(Professor/Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences)

Department of Complexity Science and Engineering/Theoretical neuroscience, statistical physics

Career Summary

1985: BSc, Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
1987: M. Science, Osaka University
1987-1989: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1991-1996: Research Associate, Osaka University
1996-2001: Researcher, JST ERATO Kawato Dynamic Brain Project
2001-2004: Deputy Laboratory Head, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
2004-present: Professor, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activities

Graduate school: Machine learning

Research Activities

Theoretical neuroscience
Statistical physics


1) Hatchett JPL and Okada M., Dynamical replica theoretic analysis of CDMA detection dynamics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39 (15), 3883-3902, 2006
2) Mimura M. and Okada M., Generating functional analysis of CDMA detection dynamics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38(46), 9917 - 9929, 2005.
3) Tanaka T. and Okada M. Approximate belief propagation, density evolution, and statistical neurodynamics for CDMA multiuser detection. IEEE Transaction on information theory, 51, 700-706, 2005.
4) Matsumoto N., Okada M., Sugase-Miyamoto Y., Yamane S. and Kawano K., Population dynamics of face-responsive neurons in the inferior temporal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 15, 1103-1112, 2005.

Other Activities

Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan
The Japan Neuroscience Society
Japanese Neural Network Society
Society for Neuroscience

Future Plan

We are currently investigating the brain functions from theoretical point of view. We are also applying the statistical mechanical informatics and machine learning to wide areas of natural sciences, such as condensed matter physics, geoscience, biology and so on.

Messages to Students

I hope that you try to acquire the ability to view yourself in the third person.