GSFS Faculty


(Associate Professor /Division of Biosciences)

Department of Integrated Biosciences/Laboratory of Human Evolution System /Human Evolution and Bone Chemistry

Career Summary

1992: Graduated, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
2002: Doctor of Science from The University of Tokyo
1995: Research Scientist, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2002: Senior Research Scientist, National Institute for Environmental Studies
2002-2004: Research Associate, The University of Oxford
2006 Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activities

Graduate School: Human Speciation

Research Activities

Dietary reconstruction based on isotopes (1998-present):
Radiocarbon dating (1995-present)


1) Yoneda, M., M. Hirota, M. Uchida, A. Tanaka, Y. Shibata, M. Morita, and T. Akazawa (2002). Radiocarbon and stable isotope analyses on the Earliest Jomon skeletons from the Tochibara rockshelter, Nagano, Japan. Radiocarbon 44(2), 549-557.
2) Yoneda, M., Y. Shibata, M. Morita, R. Suzuki, T. Sukegawa, N. Shigehara, and T. Akazawa (2004). Isotopic evidence of inland-water fishing by a Jomon population excavated from the Boji site, Nagano, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science 31(1), 97-107.
3) Yoneda, M., Y. Shibata, A. Tanaka, T. Uehiro, M. Morita, M. Uchida, T. Kobayashi, C. Kobayashi, R. Suzuki, K. Miyamoto, B. Hancock, C. Debden, J. S. Edmonds (2004). AMS 14C measurement and preparative techniques at NIES-TERRA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B223-224, 116-123.
4) Yoneda, M., A. Tanaka, Y. Shibata, M. Morita, K. Uzawa, M. Hirota, and M. Uchida, (2002). Radiocarbon marine reservoir effect in human remains from the Kitakogane site, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science 29(5), 529-536.

Other Activities

Board member of Anthropological Society of Japan (2006-present)

Future Plan

We are interested in determining the relationships between past human activities and environmental changes based on bone chemistry and other new approaches. The technical development of archaeological science will allow us to produced a new picture of ancient human subsistence.

Messages to Students

When we study Japanese prehistory from the perspective of human evolution, we show a very exciting and novel aspect of ourselves, Homo sapiens. Come and join us!