(Associate Professor/Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences)
Department of Advanced Energy/Social Cooperative Program "Open Innovation of Mobility Technologies for SDGs"

Career Summary
2009 M.S. Environment and Information Studies, Keio University
2009-2017 Associate at Toyota Motor Corporation, Sim-Drive Co., Ltd., Honda R & D Co., Ltd.
2016 Ph.D. Department of Media and Governance, Keio University
2017 Assistant professor, Nagoya University
2018 Project assistant professor, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
2001-2023 Project Lecture, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
2023- Associate professor, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
Research Activities
Design and control of electric vehicle driving system and WPT system
Other Activities
Member of IEEE, IEE and the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
Messages to Students
We operate the social cooperative program "Open Innovation of Mobility Technologies for SDGs". We conduct research on the application of magnetic energy such as dynamic wireless power transfer and high efficiency of motor drive, research on motion control of mobility, and combined them. You can realize what you want to do and your interests, because our project team can research in collaboration with mobility technology experts of various companies.