GSFS Faculty


(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)

Department of International Studies/Disaster Management Engineering, Social Network Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering

Career Summary

1991: Bachelor's degree, the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1993: Master's degree, the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1993: Research Engineer, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction
1997: Research Associate, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
2002: Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University
2002-2003: Visiting Researcher, The Johns Hopkins University
2005: Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
2012: Professor, University of Tokyo

Educational Activities

Graduate level, Department of Engineering: Computational Mechanics (in English)
Undergraduate level, Department of Engineering: Technology and Development,
Structural Mechanics, Introduction to International Projects (in Japanese)

Research Activities

Earthquake ground motion simulation considering wave propagation in the stochastic field. We developed wave propagation simulation methods using time-frequency characteristics representation by Winger distribution and Spectral Stochastic FEM/BEM.
Emergency management as an adaptation process of society and community. We analyzed social network structure and game structure observed in the adaptation process after disasters and examined various specific cases, including government organizations in damaged regions and communities in developing countries.
Development of advanced seismic design methods. Framework of seismic design scheme to implement rational design in the presence of uncertainty in both seismic ground motion simulations and the nonlinear behavior of structures.


1) Stochastic BEM with Spectral Approach in Elastostatic and Elastodynamic Problems with Geometrical Uncertainty, Riki Honda, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 29, pp. 415-427, 2005.
2) Effect of dynamics of social network on culture formation driven by adaptation to environmental conditions, Toshiro Ogaki and Riki Honda, Vol. 26, pp. 67-81, Sociological Theory and Methods, Society of Mathematical Sociology, 2011 (in Japanese).
3) Design Input Motion Synthesis considering the Effect of Uncertainty in Structural and Seismic Parameters by Feature Indices, Riki Honda and Tauqir Ahmed, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137, pp. 391-400, 2011.

Other Activities

Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Japan Geotechnical Engineering, Seismological Society of Japan, and The City Planning Institute of Japan.

Future Plan

We plan to develop and implement a framework for the creation of a new society that is robust against various risks ranging from economic crises to natural disasters. We will consider a broad scale ranging from social development to infrastructure development.

Messages to Students

Understanding essential factors is necessary for the creation of innovation. This includes what you learn in class, in the field, and even in daily life. I encourage you to learn extensively and deeply.