(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies/Nanomechanical sensors, Nanostructure fabrication, Wearable healthcare systems

Career Summary
1989 March: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering (University of Tokyo)
1994 March: Received Ph.D. in Engineering from University of Tokyo
1994 April: Research associate (Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2000 April: Lecturer (School of Engineering, University of Tokyo)
2003 August: Associate Professor (School of Engineering, University of Tokyo)
2010 April-2011 March: Visiting Scholar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2012 April: Associate Professor (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo)
2015 June: Professor (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Educational Activities
Graduate School: Human and Environment Informatics Wearable Sensing, System Planning
Graduate School of Engineering: Intelligent Manufacturing System, Nano Micro Fabrication
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Foundations of Environmental Sciences II
Department of Mechanical Engineering: Principles of Measurement and its Application
Research Activities
[1]on sensor devices based on a nano-scale mechanism and a new type of life support system are the main focus For the sensor device research, the fabrication of a nano mechanical resonator introducing linear and nonlinear phenomena, nano mechanical resonator evaluation, and nano structure fabrication based on the self-assembly
[3] are currently being promoted. For the life support system, wearable blood pressure monitoring, an ambient communication system, and a human emotions and stress sensing system are currently being promoted.
(1) Ahmed Haroun, Ichiro Yamada, Shinfichi Warisawa, ?gStudy of Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting with Free/Impact Motion for Low Frequency Operation?h, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration[4][5], 349, pp. 389-402 (2015).
(2) Ahmed Haroun, Ichiro Yamada, Shinfichi Warisawa, ?gMicro electromagnetic vibration energy harvester based on free/impact motion for frequency-large amplitude operation?h, Sensors and Actuators A, 224, pp. 87-98 (2015).
(3) Jun Dai, Reo Kometani, Koji Onomitsu, Yoshiharu Krockenberger, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Sunao Ishihara, and Shinfichi Warisawa, ?gDirect fabrication of W-C SNS Josephson junction by using focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition?h, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, 055015 (2014).
(4) Hao Zhang, Guillaume Lopez, Masaki Shuzo, Yasuhiro Omiya, Shunji Mistuyoshi, Shinfichi Warisawa, and Ichiro Yamada, ?gA Database of Japanese Emotional Signals Elicited by Real Experiences?h, Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Volume 100, pp. 3-12 (2014) (4th International Symposium, MindCare 2014, Tokyo, Japan, May 8-9, 2014, Revised Selected Papers).
(5) Guillaume Lopez, Hirohito Ide, Masaki Shuzo, Shinfichi Warisawa, and Ichiro Yamada, ?gWorkplace Stress Estimation from Physiological Indices in Real Situation?h, Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Volume 100, pp. 13-22 (2014) (4th International Symposium, MindCare 2014, Tokyo, Japan, May 8-9, 2014, Revised Selected Papers).
(6) Jun Dai, Koji Onomitsu, Reo Kometani, Yoshiharu Krockenberger, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Sunao Ishihara, and Shinfichi Warisawa, ?gSuperconductivity in Tungsten-Carbide Nanowires Deposited from the Mixtures of W(CO)6 and C14H10?h, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52, 075001 (2013).
(7) Dengji Guo, Reo Kometani, Shinfichi Warisawa, and Sunao Ishihara, ?gGrowth of ultra-long horizontal free-space-nanowire by the real-time feedback control of the scanning speed on focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition?h, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 31, 061601 (2013).
(8) S. Warisawa, K. Kuroda, S. Chen, R. Kometani, and S. Ishihara, ?gA Nanomechanical Resonator from HSQ Fabricated by FIB/EB Dual Beam Lithography?h, J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol., 25, 37-42 (2012).
Other Activities
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society of Precision Engineering, The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Robotics Society of Japan, The Water Jetting Technology Society of Japan, The Visualization Society of Japan, Materials Research Society
Future Plan
It is very important to understand how we can best leverage sensing technologies integrated with information communication technologies (ICT) to solve the serious global environmental issues confronting humankind. We also need to think carefully about how to innovate the modern human lifestyle. Our group was established with the aim of describing the desirable future direction of innovative sensor-based information network systems to contribute to the realization of a secure, safe, and comfortable human environment and to the sustainable development of a global society.
Messages to Students
I believe that maintaining a high motivation is key for everything.