GSFS Faculty


(Professor (concurrent faculty)/Division of Environmental Studies)

Department of Natural Environmental Studies/Marine Biosphere Environment /Fisheries and Environmental Oceanography

Career Summary

1989: Doctor of Agriculture from The University of Tokyo
1989: Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
2001: Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
2006: Professor, The University of Tokyo

Educational Activities

Undergraduate: Aquatic Environmental Science, Biological Oceanography Graduate School: Marine Environmental Analyses, Marine Environmental Special Lecture, Environment for Marine Natural Resources, Fisheries Oceanography, Aquatic Environmental Analyses

Research Activities

The distribution, migration and stock variation of marine organisms fluctuate with physical, biological and chemical marine environments on various temporal and spatial scales. Global oceanic and climatic phenomena represented by El Nino have a close relationship with spawning and feeding migrations of large-scale migrating fishes that migrate over several thousand kilometers. Biological transport associated with ocean circulation and vertical mixing caused by oceanic turbulence play very important roles in the growth and survival of larvae and small marine organisms. The marine environments that affect not only species but also growth stages vary widely. Our objectives are to clarify the characteristics of oceanic phenomena related to ecology of marine organisms and to determine the response mechanisms of marine organisms to global environmental changes.


(1) Kim, H, Kimura, S, Shinoda, A, Kitagawa, T, Sasai, Y and Sasaki, H. (2007) Effect of El Nino on migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica), ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64, 1387-1395.
(2) Kimura S, and Tsukamoto K (2006) The salinity front in the North Equatorial Current: A landmark for the spawning migration of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) related to the stock recruitment. Deep-Sea Research II, 53, 315-325.
(3) Kitagawa T, Kimura S, Nakata H, and Yamada H (2006) Thermal adaptation of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis to temperate waters. Fisheries Science 72: 149-156.
(4) Kitagawa T, Kimura S, Nakata H, and Yamada H (2004) Diving behavior of immature Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) for feeding in relation to seasons and areas: the East China Sea and the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region. Fisheries Oceanography: 13:161-180.
(5) Kimura S (2003) Larval transport of the Japanese eel. In Eel Biology (eds. Aida K, Tsukamoto K and Yamauchi K). Springer-Verlag, pp.497, 169-179.
(6) Kasai A, Kimura S, Nakata H and Okazaki Y (2002) Entrainment of coastal water into a frontal eddy of the Kuroshio and its biological significance. Journal of Marine Systems, 37, 185-198.
(7) Kimura S, Inoue T and Sugimoto T (2001) Fluctuation in distribution of low-salinity water in the North Equatorial Current and its effect on the larval transport of the Japanese eel. Fisheries Oceanography, 10, 51-60.
(8) Kimura S, Nakata H and Okazaki Y (2000) Biological production in meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances of the Kuroshio Extension. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 133-142.
(9) Nakata H, Kimura S, Okazaki Y and Kasai A (2000) Implications of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances of the Kuroshio Current for anchovy recruitment. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 143-152.
(10) Kimura S, Kasai A, Nakata H, Sugimoto T, Simpson J H and Cheok J V S (1997) Biological productivity of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances in the Kuroshio. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54, 179-192.

Other Activities

Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography
Oceanographic Society of Japan
Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
Plankton Society of Japan
Ocean Alliance in the University of Tokyo
Marine Ecology Progress Series

Future Plan

Since the 1996 ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Japan has been working on developing a national fisheries management scheme with the introduction of the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system and the establishment of an exclusive economic zone. The allowable catch is revised annually for each of these species based on the Allowable Biological Catch (ABC) that is calculated based on scientific studies. Prior to the implementation of this system, fish stocks had become a frequent subject of discussion on endangered species at meetings of the signatories of the Washington Convention (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Under these international circumstances, the Basic Law of the Sea was established in Japan in 2007. If we are to avoid the imposition of misguided international regulations on fisheries based on misunderstandings or erroneous information, we must make an effort to accurately estimate fish stocks by accounting for global environmental changes. On the other hand, it is true that we live in an age in which the international community demands Japan to expressly demonstrate its readiness to develop and adhere to national standards for sensible fisheries. In our laboratory, we will proceed to study topics related to fishery management, conservation of marine environment and ocean policy, in addition to general marine natural science.

Messages to Students

Oceanography is a scientific field that necessitates a multidisciplinary approach. In particular, to clarify the mechanisms of the marine biological response to global environmental change, physical, chemical and biological processes should be studied using various scientific methods including marine observation, numerical simulation, rearing experiments and chemical analyses. Our laboratory teaches these subjects and welcomes all students who wish to study the biological response processes of marine organisms.