Sato Toru
(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment/Marine Environmental Engineering

Career Summary
1981-84: Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (B.Eng.)
1985-86: Postgraduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (M.Eng.)
1986-96: Research Engineer, Bridgestone Corporation
1991-93: Postgraduate Course, Imperial College London, Dept. of Chem. Eng. (Ph.D.)
1996-2004: Associate Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2004-present: Professor, School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Educational Activities
Postgraduate Courses: Design of Environmentally Harmonizing Systems, Environmental Fluid Simulation, Seminar on Environment Systems
Undergraduate Courses: Fluid Mechanics for Environment and Energy Systems, Fundamental Project on Environment and Energy Systems, Applied Project on Environment and Energy Systems
Research Activities
Development of Dissociation and Formation Models of Methane and CO2 Hydrate (2003-)
Environmental Impact Assessment of CO2 Ocean Sequestration and Subsea Geological Storage (1997-)
Development of Photobioreactor for Cultivation of Microalgae (1990-2003, 2006-)
Development and Application of Multi-scale Ocean Model (2000-2003)
Numerical and Experimental Study on Small-scale Ocean Turbulence (2001-2007)
1) Jung, Sato: Numerical simulation of high Schmidt number flow over a droplet by using moving unstructured mesh. J. Comp. Phys. 203 (2005) 221-249.
2) Sato, Watanabe, Toyota, Ishizaka: Extended probit mortality model for zooplankton against transient change of pCO2. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50 (2005) 975-979.
3) Sato: Numerical simulation of biological impact caused by direct injection of carbon dioxide in the ocean. J. Oceanogr. 60 (2004) 807-816.
4) Sato, Usui, Tsuchiya, Kondo: Invention of outdoor closed-type photobioreactor for microalgae. Energy Conv. Mngmnt. 47 (2005) 791-799.
6) Yoshimoto, Sato, Kondo: Dynamic discrete model of flashing light effect in photosynthesis of microalgae: J. Appl. Phycol. 17 (2005) 207 - 214.
7) Sato, Tonoki, Tsuchiya: Numerical and hydraulic simulations of effect of density current generators in semi-enclosed tidal bays. Coast. Eng. 53 (2006) 49-64.
8) Sato, K.Sato, Jeong: Numerical reconstruction of turbulent flow field in a small patch of open ocean. Comput. & Fluids 36 (2007) 540-548.
9) Sean, Sato, Yamasaki, Kiyono: CFD and experimental study on methane hydrate dissociation Part I. Dissociation under water flow. AIChE J. 53 (2007) 262-274.
10) Sean, Sato, Yamasaki, Kiyono: CFD and Experimental Study on Methane Hydrate Dissociation Part II. Dissociation by depressurization in the two-phase (Lw-V) region. AIChE J. 53 (2007) 2148-2160.
11) Nojiri, Sato, Nawata: Assessment of Effectiveness of Methane Hydrate Development Considering Risk of Crude Oil Supply. J. Jpn. Soc. Energy and Resources 29 (2008) 1-5 (in Japanese).
12) Mizumukai, Sato, Tabeta, Kitazawa: Numerical studies on ecological effects of artificial mixing of surface and bottom waters in density stratification in semi-enclosed bay and open sea. Ecol. Modelling 214 (2008) 251-270.
13) Kamishiro, Sato: Public acceptance of the oceanic carbon sequestration. Marine Policy 33 (2009) 466-471.
14) Kano, Sato, Kita, Hirabayashi, Tabeta: Model prediction on the rise of pCO2 in uniform flows by leakage of CO2 purposefully stored under the seabed. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2009) accepted.
Other Activities
Member: Soc. of Naval Archit. Ocean Eng., Soc. Coast. Zone Studies, Soc. Visualisation, Soc. Mech. Eng., Int. Soc. Fluid Dynamics, Soc. Oceanogr., Tech. Comm. on CO2 Ocean Sequestration, CO2 Geological Sequestration Application WG., MEXT Antarctic Expedition Comm.
Deputy Editor: J. Marine Sci. Technol., Editorial Board: J. Jpn. Soc. Naval Archit. Ocean Eng.
Future Plan
Member: Soc. of Naval Archit. Ocean Eng., Soc. Coast. Zone Studies, Soc. Visualisation, Soc. Mech. Eng., Int. Soc. Fluid Dynamics, Soc. Oceanogr., Tech. Comm. on CO2 Ocean Sequestration, CO2 Geological Sequestration Application WG., MEXT Antarctic Expedition Comm. Deputy Editor: J. Marine Sci. Technol., Editorial Board: J. Jpn. Soc. Naval Archit. Ocean Eng.
Messages to Students
My motto is "Study hard and play hard". I believe your future has infinite possibilities. Please try new things. So do I.