
Logo for the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

About the logo

The logo of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences was selected from 84 internal applications. It was released on March 31 2011, after an adjustment by the designer.

Downloading data

You can download logotype/logomark data below. (only from within the campus)

This logomark is registered as a trademark.

  • Use of the logo alone (without logotype) is also possible.
  • Do not deform the form of the work (changes to the aspect ratio are also not allowed).
  • The color scheme of the logo should follow the color specification.
  • In addition to the color specification, the use of a white border on a dark color is also acceptable. However, if the logo mark is difficult to distinguish, it is not acceptable.
  • Faculty and staff members of the Graduate School do not need to apply for use.
  • Students belonging to the Graduate School must obtain the consent of their supervisor before using the data. Please ask the faculty member of your laboratory to provide the data.

Logo color specification (click to enlarge)

Logo Concept

Considering the name of the place where the campus is located, the logo of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences represents the image of a large oak tree (kashiwa) of knowledge with two colors, blue and gold, the same as the logo of the University of Tokyo. The golden leaves represent the leaves that have turned into foliages, and the blue leaves spreading from the inside represent the new leaves. The image of the tree spreading its branches represents the growth potential of the Graduate School into new fields and the network of interdisciplinary. Since ancient times, the oak tree has been used as a lucky charm in dishes such as Kashiwa Mochi (rice cakes), because the old leaves fall off after the new shoots appear.
(Logo designed by Mr. Yoshinori Fukazawa, 2nd year master student, Department of Information and Life Sciences)

Combination with logotype



All rights related to copyrights belong to the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 20th Anniversary Logo

  • Do not deform the form of the work (changes to the aspect ratio are also not allowed).
  • The color scheme of the logo should follow the color specification.
  • In addition to the color specification, the use of a dark color with a white border is also acceptable. However, if the logo mark is difficult to distinguish, it is not acceptable.
  • Faculty and staff members of the Graduate School do not need to apply for use.
  • Students belonging to the Graduate School must obtain the consent of their supervisor before using the data. Please ask the faculty member of your laboratory to provide the data.
Logo color specification (click to enlarge)

Combinations with logotype


All rights related to copyrights belong to the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.