
The 17th Waku Waku Mini Concert

Release:Jun 10, 2015
  • Event

Kashiwa Library Waku-waku Mini Concerts are organized by students and academic staff of UTokyo and Kashiwa Library Club menbers. The concerts are popular with various participants from on/out campus.
The 17th Waku-waku Mini Concert will be held on the following date, time and location.


The 17th Waku Waku Mini Concert

Date: June 26 (Fri), 2015 17:30-19:00 (planned)

FS Hall, Environmental Studies, GSFS 1F(Admission Free)

Content: Wind instruments, string instruments etc.
For details, please refer to poster [PDF] http://www.lib.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kashiwa/news/file/20150626.pdf(in Japanese)


For further information, please refer to the Facebook Page
 https://www.facebook.com/wakuwakuminicon (in Japanese)