
Call for tutors - Cultural Exchange at Local Elementary School

Release:Aug 12, 2021
  • News

The Kashiwa City Education Committee has asked cooperation from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences international students to give presentations about your countries at a local elementary school. English language and different global cultures classes will be introduced into the school curriculum for third grade students at elementary schools.

The Toyofuta Elementary School has invited GSFS international students/researchers to introduce your countries and cultures in their classes.

1. Objective

To introduce different countries and cultures to Japanese elementary school students.

2. Location

Toyofuta Elementary School (five minute walk from the Environmental Studies Building, Kashiwa Campus)

3. Eligibility

International students studying or researchers working in Kashiwa campus with working permits.

4. Date

1) September 24th (Fri) 2021, 14:30- 15:40 (class is from 14:50 - 15:40)

There will be three classes being conducted at the same time, same day. Each class will be taught by two people. We are looking for 6 people to teach for the said day.

5. What to teach/introduce

Your country, tradition, customs, etc. You may use posters or PPT files. Songs and dances are great for raising cultural awareness and serve as good communication tools as well.

6. Communication during class

You are expected to use the English language or your native language during the presentation.

It would be great if you are able to do your own translation yourself, using some simple Japanese, so the children can understand but it's not compulsory. You will be working in pairs so ILO will try to pair you off with someone who speaks some Japanese.

We welcome applications from everyone regardless of your Japanese language ability.

7. Payment

The Kashiwa Education Committee will pay about JPY 2,500 per person, for one class.

8. How to apply
Fill in the form below and apply by August 31 (Tue), 2021, 17:00pm.

9. Inquiry

International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences