
Guidelines for MEXT Scholarship application Super Global University Project - ACY 2020 have been posted. / Application Closed

Release:May 25, 2020
  • Scholarship

Scholarship for GSFS International Students

How to apply  May 27 (Wed), 2020 by 9:00 am
(1) Those who are currently doctoral course students at GSFS holding a "student (Ryugakusei)" visa at the time of application and will stay as a doctoral student at GSFS as of October 1, 2020. (*Those who are admitted to enroll in September 2020 are not eligible to apply.)
(2) Those who are expected to graduate from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences in or after March 2021.
(3) Those who have the nationality of a country with diplomatic relations with the Japanese government as of October 1, 2020.
(3) Those who are born on or after April 2, 1985.
(4) Those who have university grade point total of 2.50 or above in their most recent one year of study.
(5) Those who fall into any of the following categories are not eligible:
1) an active member of the military or a civilian employed by the military.
2) a student who is deemed impossible to graduate within the ordinary study period.
3) a student who is going to receive a scholarship from any other organizations than MEXT from October 1, 2020.
4) a student who has co-currently applied for any scholarship programs organized by MEXT including students who are to receive these scholarships sequentially after October 2020.
5) a student who is planning to undertake long-term research activity outside Japan (internship, field work etc.)
  1. Monthly stipend is, in principle, JPY 145,000.
  2. Tuition of recipients will be covered by the University.
  3. An air ticket to return your country upon graduation will not be provided.
  4. Period of Scholarship is from October 2020 to March 2021 (6 months).
Application Documents 
  1. File A
  2. File B (2-3 pages of A4 size paper)
  3. Certification of registration (Zaigaku shoumeisho in Japanese)
  4. Transcript (should cover the period of your most recent one year of study, and it will include the one of your previous university as needed)
  5. Copy of passport (the page with your picture)
  6. Copy of your residence card
  7. Copy of a certificate of English or Japanese language proficiency :
    TOEFL, TOEIC (both L&R and S&W) ELTS, or JLPT
  8. Recommendation letter provided by your current supervisor  (official form)

*If you can not submit document No. 3, please attach a note to explain the situation.

 Apply to Upload a complete set of the application documents from the following URL:
  1. The Student Affairs Team will notify the successful candidates from the documents assessment and provide details of the interview. Interviews will be
    conducted around late May.
  2. Please note that the period of the MEXT Scholarship program - Super Global University Project is only six (6) months and no extension will be permitted. However recipients will be able to re-apply for the same scholarship program in the following years.