
The Ajinomoto Scholarship Foundation / Application Closed

Release:Apr 8, 2020
  • Scholarship

Scholarship for GSFS International Students

Application Deadline April 10th (Fri), 2020 by 17:00
(1) International students from Asian, African or South American countries studying food, nutrition, or health science.
(2) Those who are enrolled in, or have been accepted to a Master's or Doctoral program in a Japanese University.
(3) Those who are under the age of 30 as of April 1, 2020.
  For details, see the foundation guideline.
Amount Amount: 150,000 JPY/month
Duration: from April 2020 maximum 2 years
Apply To Applicants must submit the following documents to ILO via email.

1. Application Form for Scholarship from private Foundations
2. Academic transcript of your current program, or previous program (if you have not obtained any credits yet.)
 An applicant who passed the GSFS internal screening will be required to submit other documents.