Apply for private scholarships

Applying for Scholarships from Private Foundations through The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)

Some private organizations and scholarship foundations require students to apply through UTokyo to provide information and handle completed applications. In this case, the graduate schools/faculties nominate their students to the headquarters of UTokyo first. UTokyo then determines successful nominees through designated quotas, and nominates these candidates to the private organizations on their behalf.

Please bear in mind that a University recommendation does not guarantee the award of a scholarship. All final decisions rest with the organization providing the scholarship. The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) will update the relevant webpage whenever GSFS receives information from such private scholarship foundations. We suggest students who needs financial aid check the webpage regularly and apply for any suitable scholarship program. Note that most scholarship programs do not allow students to receive funding from multiple organizations, so you should carefully consider to which scholarship you want to apply.

Please be aware,
If you are selected as a nominee by the GSFS or UTokyo, then we will not be able to nominate you as a candidate for any other scholarship programs. UTokyo hopes that all candidates realize that declining a scholarship may very well have adverse effects on the relationship between scholarship organizations and the University. Therefore, we strongly caution all applicants NOT to decline any scholarship offer once received.