The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus Open Days 2024
Kashiwa Campus Open Days 2024 has ended.
Information on the entire Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo open to the public
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences/Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences
Look at Things in Atom Size! Proteins, Wood, etc.
- Exhibition
★Sasaki Lab (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room-7B2, 7th Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Micro-Plasmas Create Great Future
- Exhibition
★Terashima & Ito Lab (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
We will guide you to the fascinating and promising micro-plasma world. You can also experience the discharge and production of plasmas. (The number of people may be limited.)
October 25 and 26
Not required
Lounge, 5th Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary to high school students
Magnet Generates Electricity by Heat!
- Exhibition and Demonstration
★Uchida and Nakanishi Lab (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
We research the thermoelectric permanent magnet. We will demonstrate how the magnet converts heat energy to electric energy and light up an LED.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM- 4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 4B4, 4th Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Learn more:
Make a Color Titanium Medal!
- Craft-making
★Laboratory of Professor Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
We color the surface of a titanium piece by an electrochemical oxidation reaction to make a medal with your choice of design.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM- 4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
150 people per day
Not required
Required Time
15 minutes
Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Target Participants
Preschoolers to high school students
Future Created by Soft Semiconductors
- Exhibition
★Takeya and Tamai Lab. (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
The next-generation semiconductor is thin and bendable. See a future smart society with them.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM- 4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room (for Division of Materials Science), 2nd Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Miraculous World of Lights
- Hands-on Exhibition
★Okamoto Lab (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
Experience the miracles of the luminous world!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM- 4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Room-BC8, 1st basement floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Microscopes to Observe Atoms
- Exhibition
★Yoshiaki Sugimoto Laboratory (Department of Advanced Materials Science)
See the lower limit of the material size through microscopes.
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 4B4, 4th Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Amazing Electric Power! Electric Cars, Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Systems, and Drones
- Exhibition and Demonstration
★UTokyo e-Mobility and Control Lab (Department of Advanced Energy)
Exhibition and demonstration of an electric car and car models
- Electric car (exhibition and demonstration)
- Drones (exhibition)
- Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System (demonstration with a mini four-wheel car)
- Research presentations (posters)
October 25 and 26
Not required
Around the Entrance of the Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
20 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
How Research Supports Our Life
- Exhibition
★UTokyo e-Mobility and Control Lab (Department of Advanced Energy: Corporate Sponsored Research Program)
Introductions of corporate-sponsored research programs (videos and posters)
-Corporate Sponsored Research Program "SDGs by Open Innovation in EV Technology"
-Thermal System Engineering Cooperating with Electrical Vehicles
-Vibration Measurement System for Electric Cars (Corporate Sponsored Research Program)
October 25 and 26
Not required
Entrance of Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5a)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
Future Electric Vehicle:
Demonstration of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System and EV Motion Control System- Demonstration
★UTokyo E-MOBILITY AND CONTROL Lab (Department of Advanced Energy)
Demonstration of various research of high-level control systems of electric cars.
October 25 and 26
Demonstration Times
11:00 AM -11:30 AM, (12:30 PM-1:00 PM October 26 only), 2:00 PM-2:30 PM, 4:00 PM-4:30 PM
Not required
Electric car testing ground beside the Library (Campus Map 5c)
Required Time
30 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
What is Fusion Energy?
- Exhibition
★Nuclear Fusion Research Education Program
Nuclear fusion energy is now rapidly being developed as an innovative technology for solving global issues such as climate change and energy resource problems. We will explain fusion energy using accessible language.
October 25 and 26
Not required
Entrance of Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
Plasma Physics Connects Space and Laboratory: Challenges of Advanced Fusion Energy
- Exhibition
★Plasma Physics Laboratory (Department of Advanced Energy)
This is a tour of the RT-1 device, which aims to achieve advanced nuclear fusion and antimatter plasmas in an artificial magnetic field made by superconducting coils levitated magnetically, explaining the research content and the experimental device.
October 25 and 26
Not required
RT-1 Laboratory, 1st floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
A Magnetic Cage to Confine Super High-Temperature Nuclear Fusion Plasmas
- Exhibition
★Ono, Inomoto, and Tanabe Lab. (Department of Advanced Energy)
To use nuclear fusion energy, we need to keep plasmas in high temperatures over 100 million degrees Celsius. We use a device called UTST for experiments and research to achieve efficient confinement of plasmas by the magnetic field and efficient heating. We will provide a guided tour of the UTST device and demonstrate a small-scale plasma experiment.
October 25 and 26
Not required
UTST Control Room, 1st floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
20 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Showcasing the Spherical Tokamak Experimental Device
- Exhibition and Craft-Making
★Ejiri-Tsujii Laboratory (Department of Complexity Science and Engineering)
Visitors can observe the spherical tokamak experimental device and make a simple spectroscope to experience the miracle of lights.
Dates & Time
11:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Tokamak Control Room, 1st floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Levitating! Running! Power of Magnetics: Superconducting Radio-Controlled Coil Trains
- Hands-on Exhibition
★Osaki Laboratory (Department of Advanced Energy)
Magnet is infinitely "magnetic"! It makes things levitate and run. Experience the "magnetic" world of the magnet!
- Superconducting radio-controlled coil train
- How cost-friendly! Coil trains that runs by materials around us
October 25 and 26
Not required
System Electromagnetic Energy Laboratory, 1st floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
20 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Wind of Mach 7: World of Superhigh Speed Flight
- Demonstration and Guided Tour
★Suzuki Lab. (Department of Advanced Energy)
-Guided tour of aerodynamic research on the airflow around supersonic transport: Return of Hayabusa capsule; mechanism of a meteorite bombardment; supersonic passenger aircraft; space travel, system of the hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnel that produces an air current of 1.2 km/secondDates
October 25 and 26
Not required
Hypersonic and High Enthalpy Wind Tunnel Laboratory, 1st floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Learn more:
Plasma Changes the Future of Space Technology: Rocket, Satellite, and Lunar Base
- Demonstration and Video
★Koizumi Space Propulsion Lab (Department of Advanced Energy)
1)Mini ion engine operation demonstration
2)A guidance video of laser-induced reduction, "Building a moon base with the sand on the Moon" (exhibition time is limited)
3)Demonstration of a hall thruster for satellites
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room-Ko-A, 2nd floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
20 minutes
October 25: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
October 26: 11:00 AM-Noon, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM, 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Shapes of Future Aircrafts in Fluid Dynamics
- Hands-on Exhibition and Demonstration
★Suzuki Lab. (Department of Advanced Energy)
Demonstration of an air cannon impact: Power produced by fluid
Exhibitions of new aircraft and spacecraft ideas and hydromechanics: "Secret of Flow Around Wings" and "Space Exploration and Hydromechanics."
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room Ko-B, 2nd floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to adults
Technologies to Use Space Heat Energy
- Exhibition and Demonstration
★Energy Conversion System Laboratory (Department of Advanced Energy)
Exhibition and demonstration of technologies for generating and utilizing energy
1)Demonstration of fluidic devices that generate energy
2)Demonstration of technologies to observe the heat and flow
3)Exhibition and demonstration of the noise
And more
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room Ko-D, 2nd floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Campus Map 5b)
Required Time
20 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Computer That Learns: The Forefront of Research on Machine Learning
- Online Lecture
★Sugiyama-Yokoya-Ishida Lab (Department of Complexity Science and Engineering)
The lecture explains the mechanism of machine learning, the core technology of artificial intelligence, and the latest research on it.
Date & Time
10:00 AM-11:00 AM, October 25
Not required
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
Finding Out the Complexity in the Real World by Integrated Research of Science and Engineering
- Online Lecture
Share information on cutting-edge research conducted in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering: machine learning, deep space exploration, nuclear fusion plasma, brain science, and virtual reality.
Date and Time
1:30 PM- 3:00 PM, October 26
Not required
Target Participants
Junior high school students to adults
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences/Division of Integrated Biosciences
Experience the Miracles of Life!
- Hands-on Activity
Take part in the activities at the Division of Biosciences, complete the questionnaire, and get the prize!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
5-10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Life Science Quiz
- Quiz
Our lab studies the brain. In this quiz, you can learn about how information is transmitted through our bodies and how the brain works. Take this fun quiz about the brain!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
5-10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Over 70 mm! The Largest Giant Stag Beetle in Japan
- Exhibition
★Laboratory of Applied Bioresources (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
See Japan's largest giant stag beetles of 70 mm! This precious giant stag beetle is the most popular Japanese beetle, but it is classified as Vulnerable (endangered species category II).
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
5-10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
What Is Stickleback? BTW, Don't You Try Badge Fishing?
- Exhibition, Game, and Craft-making
★Laboratory of Molecular Ecological Genetics (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
Breeding organisms is an important process when you study organisms. Learn how stickleback the fish we use for research grows. Enjoy the fishing game of our lab's original badges and a paper craft workshop.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Large Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
10-15 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Great Adventure of Experimental Organisms: Explore the wonders of tiny lives!
- Exhibition & Game
★Laboratory of Integrated Biology (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
See plants and microorganisms used in research. Try the quiz on experimental organisms and enjoy our exhibition. Get a prize by answering all the questions correctly! Everyone from children to adults is welcome.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Large Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Ultimate Guide to Nicotiana Bensamiana
- Exhibition
★Laboratory of Bioresource Regulation (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
Plants that clearly show the response to blight are used for plant virus research. What is Nicotiana Bensamiana? How big is it? What is its leaf shape? Is it true that it can be silenced and its genome can be edited? What is their closely related species? We research it!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Large Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
5-10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Seeding Lesson
- Hands-on Activity
★Laboratory of Plant Functional Analyses (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
Seeding is one of the fundamental processes for plant experiments that need careful handling and diligence for experiments. Visitors can experience seeding.
Dates & Times
12:00 AM-4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Required (Get a numbered card for reservation between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM.)
Large Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
The Mysterious Magic of Yeast
- Quiz
★Laboratory of Signal Transduction (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
Solve the mystery of the delicious products of yeast and win prizes!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Large Lecture Room, 1st Basement Floor, Bioscience Building
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Extracting DNA
- Hands-on Workshop
★Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Laboratory of Medical Omics Data Analysis (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
DNA can be found in animals and plants. It determines the shapes and functions of organisms, like a blueprint of life. Visitors can try an experiment to extract DNA from fruits using common things, such as detergent, salt, and ethanol for disinfection. It is an easy experiment, so children can try it. Take this chance to learn about DNA and get familiar with it!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Seminar Room 1, 1st Basement floor, Biosciences Building
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Technology to Read Genomes Correctly: Mechanism and Potential of Long Read Sequencer
- Exhibition
★Laboratory of Medical Omics Data Analysis (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
Research on genomes and DNA, the blueprint of life, is now very important to clarify the mechanism of organisms' evolution and hereditary disease. In this research field, reading genomes and DNA information correctly is significant but extremely difficult. Generally, we use the so-called NGS, the next-generation sequencer. There are several types of machines, and each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Why is it so difficult to read genomes correctly? How does the long-read sequencer (one of the machines at our laboratory) overcome the problems? Visitors can learn the answers to these questions and see the actual sequencer.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Seminar Room 1, 1st Basement floor, Biosciences Building
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to adults
Catch a Cricket!
- Hands-on Activity
★Laboratory of Molecular Recognition (Department of Integrated Biosciences)
We use crickets for research in our laboratory. Catch a cricket we use for experiments and take it home with you!
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Seminar Room 2, 1st Basement floor, Biosciences Building
Required Time
10 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Watch Parasitic Worms Hidden in Our Surroundings!
- Hands-on Workshop and Exhibition
★Laboratory of Parasite Systems Biology, Department of Integrated Biosciences
You may not be familiar with parasitic worms, but there are many of them hidden in our lives. For example, we eat mackerels, but they have parasitic worms in them. Visitors can experience the dissection of a mackerel to search for worms. We also exhibit various worms we use for research in our laboratory.
Exhibition: Specimen of parasitic worms: C.elegans, Strongyloides, etc.
Activity: Dissecting a mackerel and picking Anisakis out with the support of students in our laboratory
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Seminar Room 2, 1st Basement floor, Biosciences Building
Required Time
30 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Talk Session with GSFS Graduate Students
- Consultation
★Entrance Exam Committee of Department of Integrated Biosciences, GSFS & Times
1:00 PM-4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Community Salon, 1st Floor, the Kashiwa Library
Time per session
30 minutes
Target Participants
CBMS Guided Tour
- Guide Tour
★CBMS Entrance Exam Committee
Starting at the Kashiwa Library, you will visit the CBMS experimental (wet) laboratories, informatic (dry) laboratories, and analytic facilities. This tour is designed for undergraduate students who are considering studying life science.
Dates & Times
1:00 PM-2:00 PM, October 26
Starting Point
Community Salon (Next to the Media Hall), 1st Floor, the Kashiwa Library
Target Participants
High schoolers and their guardians
Talk Session: Before and After Entering CBMS
- Lecture
★CBMS Entrance Exam Committee
This meeting is planned for undergraduate students who are considering studying life science to meet graduate students and alumni of CBMS. Guardians and high school students are also welcome. Current students and alumni of the CBMS will talk about how they prepared to enter the CBMS and school life. After their talks, there will be group discussions and a chance to socialize with other participants.
Dates & Times
2:00 PM-4:00 PM, October 26
Lecture Room, 2nd floor, CBMS Life Science Data Research Center
Target Participants
High schoolers and their guardians
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences/Division of Environmental Studies
The 19th Guide to Environmental Studies
- Lecture
The lectures will explain our everyday environmental issues in an accessible language. Each lecture is 20 minutes long. There will be question-and-answer sessions after the lectures. No pre-registration or admission are required.
Date: Saturday, October 26
-11:10 AM- 11:30 AM Little Holes May Save the Earth (Kenta Iyoki, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies)
-11:30 AM-Noon: Digital Health Technology to Support Women's Lives (Eiko Saito, Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Sustainability Science)
Learn more:
Dates & Times
11:00 AM-Noon, October 26
Not required
FS Hall, 1st Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
Hands-on Animal Bones (Touch the Bones!)
- Exhibition
The popular event, "Hands on Animals Bones," will be back this year and exhibit a variety of animal bones. Get a capsule toy of a miniature bone!
Dates & Times
October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 5th Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
5-15 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Live streaming of forest sounds
- Hands-on Exhibition
We will install a parabolic reflector in a forest and livestream the sounds of the forest provide them through a chair-shaped speaker. Experience the sounds of the forest far away with your ears and body sitting on this chair.
Dates & Times
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 552, 5th Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
5-15 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
This Is My Country!
- Exhibition, Games, and Performance
International students exhibit posters to introduce their countries, play games with visitors, and perform dances and songs of their cultures.
Dates & Times
October 25 and 26
Not required
Gallery, 1st Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
5-15 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Inhabiting a Wood, Inhabiting the Moon: Transparent Building Construction Designs for Lunar Base
- Exhibition
Building construction models that use various materials and geometrical forms are showcased.
Dates & Times
10:00 AM-4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lounge, 6th Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to adults
Playpark "Environmental Systems": Learn Environmental Systems Studies with Fun!
- Hands-on Exhibition/Video
The hands-on exhibition shows research conducted in the Department of Environmental Systems. Visitors can try experiments and learn the essence of environmental system studies.
Date and Time
October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 435 and 453, 4th Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Policy Simulation Game for Climate Change Adaptation And Carbon Neutrality Promotion
- Game
Visitors can experience a simulator developed in our laboratory to explore how to achieve a carbon-neutral industry and society that adapt to climate change in a game-like simulator.
Date and Time
1:00 PM-3:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 269, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
20-30 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to adults
The 7th Symposium by Innovative Learning Creation Studies Program
- Webinar
Lectures on new approaches to learning and education
Date and Time
1:30 PM-3:30 PM, October 26
Required Time
120 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Try Radio Control of Construction and Farm Machines!
- Hands-on Exhibition
Experience the operation of remote-controlled power shovels and farming machines with their miniatures with a tablet controller.
Date and Time
1:00 PM-4:30 PM, October 25; 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM, October 26
Room 320, 3rd Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
15 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Learn more:
Laboratories of the Department of Human & Engineered Environmental Studies Open Lab
- Open Laboratory
Research conducted by each Department of Human & Engineered Environmental Studies laboratory will be introduced, and experimental demonstrations will be held.
Date and Time
1:00 PM-4:00 PM, October 26
Laboratories in the Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
Wave-Ice Tank Tour
- Demonstration and Exhibition
Visitors can observe an experiment in a water tank in a freezer room. They can observe the propagation of the ocean waves under sea ice, the process of sea ice, and the waves of polar areas reproduced in the wave-ice tank. Videos and photos of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans observations and ice brought back from the Antarctic are exhibited. One session of experiment demonstration is 30 minutes long and will be held every hour between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Date and Time
10:00 AM-4:00 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Room 004, basement floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
30 minutes for a demonstration
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Craft-Making Workshop (Little Boat That Moves by Water Power) and Exhibition (Miniature of Floating Offshore Wind Platform)
- Craft-Making (for children) and Exhibition
A craft-making event for small children: Make a mini boat and move it on the water with water power. A miniature floating offshore wind platform is also exhibited for older children and adults.
Date and Time
1:00 PM-4:00 PM, October 25; 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, October 26
Not required
Courtyard of Environmental Studies Building (Room 172 in case of rain)
Required Time
40 minutes
Target Participants
Preschoolers to adults
Natural Environmental Studies Research Topics / Rest Space
- Exhibition
Research conducted in the Department of Natural Environmental Studies in various places, from the deep sea to high mountains across the globe, is shown by comprehensive exhibits. You can also take a glance at our classes and training.
October 25 and 26
Not required
Lounge and Lecture Room, 5th floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
5-15 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to Adults
Exhibition of Calligraphy Works by International Students
- Exhibition
International students of the GSFS tried Japanese calligraphy, and their works will be exhibited.
October 25 and 26
Not required
Near the Display of Mineral Deposit, Elevator Hall, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
Target Participants
Preschoolers to Adults
Our Surroundings and Environmental Studies
- Exhibition
Structural models, photos, and posters on the latest research themes and content in the Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies will be exhibited.
10:00 AM- 4:30 PM, October 25 and 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 6th Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
30 minutes
Target Participants
High schoolers to Adults
Environmental Studies Building Tour: An Example of Environmentally-Friendly Architecture
- Guided Tour
Architecture experts will explain the architectural methods used for the Environmental Studies Building in a guided tour.
Date and Time
10:30 AM, 1:30 PM October 25 and 26
Not required
Location to Gather
Entrance Hall the Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
30 minutes
Target Participants
Junior high schoolers to adults
Fieldwork Photo Contest
- Exhibition
Documentary photos of fieldwork taken by professors and students will be exhibited. Choose your favorites!
October 25 and 26
Not required
In Front of Lecture Room, 7th floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
10-20 minutes
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
Poster Presentations by Students in the Department of International Studies
- Exhibition
Posters on different topics researched by students in the Department of International Studies will be exhibited. You will see that our research themes are diverse.
October 25 and 26
Lecture Room, 7th floor, Environmental Studies Building
Target Participants
High school students to adults
Required Time
10-30 minutes
Target Participants
High schoolers to adults
The Forefront of International Studies
- Lecture
Professors and researchers at the Department of International Studies will explain the latest research for solving global issues.
Date and Time
2:00 PM-3:15 PM, October 26
Not required
Lecture Room, 7th floor, Environmental Studies Building
Required Time
75 minutes
Target Participants
High school schoolers to adults
Quote Quiz and Creative Challenge
- Quiz
Date and Time
2:00 PM-4:30 PM, October 25; 10:00 AM-3:00 PM, October 26
Not required
Room 281, 2nd Floor, Environmental Studies Building
Target Participants
Elementary schoolers to adults
GSFS Projects
GSFS School Logo Items
Gather three items distributed by the GSFS divisions, complete the questionnaire, and get a GSFS thermos!
Date |
October 25 and 26 |
Reservation |
Not required |
Location |
1st Floor of the Transdisciplinary Sciences Building, 1st Floor of the Transdisciplinary Sciences Laboratory, 1st Basement Floor of the Biosciences Building, and 7th Floor of the Environmental Studies Building |
Number of Thermos |
Limited; the-first-come-first-served basis |
Magnet, wet wipe, and microfiber cloth
Thermos with the University of Tokyo school logo
Let's Talk! Future Graduate School Students!
The GSFS Entrance Exam Committees organize this event.
Date and Time |
10:00 AM- 4:00 PM, October 25 and 26 |
Reservation |
Required |
Location |
GSFS buildings and the Kashiwa Library |
Learn more:
GSFS Photo Spots
- Hands-on Activity
Take photos at the GSFS photo spots installed specially for the Open Days for your good memory.
Date |
October 25 and 26 |
Reservation |
Not required |
Location |
Elevator Hall, 1st Floor, Environmental Studies Building |
Grow the GSFS Tree!
Write a comment on the Kashiwa Open Days on a leaf-shaped sticky memo, stick it to the tree, and make the tree leafy. Your voice will be a part of the tree. Let us hear your feedback! We hope you will enjoy the event.
Date |
10:00 AM- 4:30 PM, October 25 and 26 |
Location |
Entrance Hall, 1st Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building |
Other Events During the Kashiwa Open Days
Event for Junior High And High School Girls: "Look Into the Future!"
Date |
1:30 PM- 3:00 PM, October 26 |
Online |
Organized by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, the Institute for Solid State Physics, and the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institutes
Luncheon with Women Graduate School Students
(An Event for Female Junior High and High School Students)
Date |
11:00 AM- 1:00 PM, October 26 |
Online |
Organized by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
Soiki-Kai Annual Meeting Special Lecture 2024
Date |
4:30 PM- 5:00 PM, October 26 |
Location |
Media Hall, Kashiwa Library, or Online |
Target Participants |
Anyone who wishes to participate |
Lecturer: Dr. Tomoko Mori
Title: Education to Promote Civic Actions