
中山 一大

(なかやま かずひろ/准教授/生命科学研究系)



1999年3月 東海大学開発工学部 卒業
2004年3月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物科学専攻修了 博士(理学)
2004年4月 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
2005年4月 東京大学21世紀COEプログラム研究拠点形成特任研究員
2006年4月 自治医科大学・医学部・助手
2007年4月 自治医科大学・医学部・助教
2013年4月 自治医科大学・医学部・講師


宇都宮歯科衛生士専門学校 人類学
自治医科大学医学部 人類遺伝学
マロニエ医療福祉専門学校 生化学




1)Nakayama K, Ohashi J, Watanabe K, Munkhtulga L, Iwamoto S. Evidence for Very Recent Positive Selection in Mongolians. Mol Biol Evol. published online 2017.
2)Nakayama K, Iwamoto S. An adaptive variant of TRIB2, rs1057001, is associated with higher expression levels of thermogenic genes in human subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues J Phyiol Anthropol. 36:16 2017
3)Nakayama K, Saito S, Watanabe K, Miyashita H, Nishijima F, Kamo Y, Tada K, Ishizuka S, Niwa T, Iwamoto S, Shimizu H*. Influence of AHRR Pro189Ala polymorphism on kidney functions. Biosci Biotech Biochem. Published online 20 Feb 2017
4)Nakayama K, Watanabe K, Boonvisut S, Makishima S, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Common variants of GIP are associated with visceral fat accumulation in Japanese adults. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2014 307: G1108-14.
5)Nakayama K, Miyashita H, Iwamoto S. Seasonal effects of the UCP3 and the RPTOR gene polymorphisms on obesity traits in Japanese adults. J Physiol Anthropol. 2014 33:38.
6)Nakayama K, Ogawa A, Miyashita H, Tabara Y, Igase M, Kohara K, Miki T, Kagawa Y, Yanagisawa Y, Katashima M, Onda T, Okada K, Fukushima S, Iwamoto S. Positive natural selection of TRIB2, a novel gene that influences visceral fat accumulation, in East Asia. Hum Genet. 2013 132:201-17.
7)Nakayama K, Miyashita H, Yanagisawa Y, Iwamoto S. Seasonal effects of UCP1 gene polymorphism on visceral fat accumulation in Japanese adults. PLoS One. 2013 8: e74720.
8)Nakayama K, Yanagisawa Y, Ogawa A, Ishizuka Y, Munkhtulga L, Charupoonphol P, Supannnatas S, Kuartei S, Chimedregzen U, Koda Y, Ishida T, Kagawa Y, Iwamoto S. High prevalence of an anti-hypertriglyceridemic variant of the MLXIPL gene in Central Asia. J Hum Genet. 2011 56:828-33.
9)Nakayama K, Bayasgalan T, Tazoe F, Yanagisawa Y, Gotoh T, Yamanaka K, Ogawa A, Munkhtulga L, Chimedregze U, Kagawa Y, Ishibashi S, Iwamoto S*; Jichi Medical University Promotion Team of a Large-scale Human Genome Bank for All over Japan. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the FADS1/FADS2 gene is associated with plasma lipid profiles in two genetically similar Asian ethnic groups with distinctive differences in lifestyle. Hum Genet. 2010 127:685-90.
10)Nakayama K, Shotake T, Takeneka O, Ishida T*. Variations in the Coding Region of the Agouti Signaling Protein Gene Do Not Explain Agouti/Non-agouti Phenotypes in Macaques. J Mammal Evol. 2010 17: 211-4.
11)Nakayama K, Bayasgalan T, Yamanaka K, Kumada M, Gotoh T, Utsumi N, Yanagisawa Y, Okayama M, Kajii E, Ishibashi S, Iwamoto S*; Jichi Community Genetics Team (JCOG). Large scale replication analysis of loci associated with lipid concentrations in a Japanese population. J Med Genet. 2009 46:370-4.
12)Nakayama K, Shotake T, Takeneka O, Ishida T*. Variation of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene in the macaques. Am J Primatol. 2008 Aug;70(8):778-85.
13)Nakayama K, Lkhagvasuren M, Yanagisawa Y, Utsumi N, Kumada M, Gotoh T, Iwamoto S, Kagawa Y. Comparative study of polymorphisms on genes associated with lifestyle related diseases in Asian and Pacific populations. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2008 20: S173-9.
14)Nakayama K, Ishida T*. Alu-mediated 100-kb deletion in the primate genome: the loss of the agouti signaling protein gene in the lesser apes. Genome Res. 2006 16:485-90.
15)Nakayama K, Soemantri A, Jin F, Dashnyam B, Ohtsuka R, Duanchang P, Isa MN, Settheetham-Ishida W, Harihara S, Ishida T*. Identification of novel functional variants of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene originated from Asians. Hum Genet. 2006 Apr;119(3):322-30.
16)Nakayama K, Fukamachi S, Kimura H, Koda Y, Soemantri A, Ishida T*. Distinctive distribution of AIM1 polymorphism among major human populations with different skin color. J Hum Genet. 2002 47:92-4.


日本人類学会、日本生理人類学会、日本食糧・栄養学会、日本肥満学会、日本人類遺伝学会 各会員




高校までの生物学の授業でヒト(Homo sapiens)について学習する機会はほとんどありませんが、生物としてのヒトの特徴を明らかにすることは医療・福祉分野の発展に大変重要です。またヒトそのものが生物の進化を理解する上で魅力いっぱいの研究材料です。

