ヤゼムブスキ マルチン パベル
(やぜむぶすき まるちん ぱべる/特任准教授)
2009年9月 ニコラウス コペルニクス大学 生物地球科学学部 環境学 ポーランド (修士取得)
2009年~2010年 住電トミタ商事(株)チェコ・ポーランド支社 オフィスマネージャー
2010年~2011年 フィリピン大学 地質科学研究所 環境モニタリング研究室 リサーチ アシスタント
2015年12月 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラム(博士取得)
2016年01月 東京大学 国際高等研究所サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構 (IR3S) 特任研究員
2019年04月 東京大学 未来研究ビジョン研究センター(IFI) 特任研究員
2020年04月 東京大学 国際高等研究所 東京カレッジ 特任助教
2022年10月国連大学 サステイナビリティ高等研究所 リサーチフェロー兼アカデミック・アソシエイト
• 社会生態システムのレジリエンスと政策統合
• 高齢化と人口減少社会における持続可能性の研究
1. Jarzebski, M. P., Karthe, D., Chapagain, S. K., Setiawati, M. D., Wadumestrige Dona, C. G., Pu, J., & Fukushi, K. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Water Sustainability Indices: A Systematic Review. Water, 16(7), 961
2. Jarzebski M.P., Su, J., Lee J., Kawasaki, J., Chen, B., Andriatsitohaina, R. N. N., Ocen I., Sioen, G.B., Lambino, R., Saito, O., Elmqvist, T., Gasparatos A. (2023) Developing biodiversity-based solutions for sustainable food systems through transdisciplinary Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Labs. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Social Movements, Institutions and Governance 7.
3. Hahn, T., Sioen, G. B., Gasparatos, A., Elmqvist, T., Brondizio, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Folke, C., Setiawati, M. D., Atmaja, T., Arini, E. Y., Jarzebski, M. P., Fukushi, K., & Takeuchi, K. (2023). Insurance value of biodiversity in the Anthropocene is the full resilience value. Ecological Economics, 208.
4. Gasparatos, A., von Maltitz, G., Ahmed, A., Dompreh, E.B., Jarzebski, M.P., Saito, O. Mobilizing participatory approaches to introduce transdisciplinary research elements when exploring the interface of commodity crop production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. Sec. Land, Livelihoods and Food Security, Volume 7 - 2023
5. Gasparatos, A., Mudombi, S., Balde, B., von Maltitz, G., Johnson, F.X., Romeu-Dalmau, C., Jumbe, C., Ochieng, C., Luhanga, D., Nyambane, A., Rossignoli, C., Jarzebski, M.P., Dam Lam, R., Dompreh, E.B., Willis, K.J. (2022) Local food security impacts of biofuel crop production in southern Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 154: 111875
6. Jarzebski M.P., Elmqvist, T., Gasparatos, A., Fukushi, K, Eckersten, S., Haase, D., Goodness, J., Khoshkar, S., Saito, S., Takeuchi, K., Theorell, T., Dong, N., Kasuga, F., Watanabe, R., Sioen, G.B., Yokohari, M., Pu, J. (2021) Ageing and Population Decline: Implications for Sustainability in the Urban Century, npj Urban Sustainability – Nature 1, 17.
7. Setiawati, M.D., Jarzebski, M.P., Gomez-Garcia, M., Fukushi, K. (2021) Accelerating Urban Heating under Land Cover and Climate Change Scenarios in Indonesia -Application of the Universal Thermal Climate Index. Front. Built Environ. 7.
8. Jarzebski M.P., Ahmed, A., Boafo, Y.A., Balde, B.S., Chinangwa, L., Saito, O., von Maltitz, G., Gasparatos, A. (2020) Food security impacts of industrial crop production in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of the impact mechanisms. Food Security 12, 105–135.
9. Gasparatos, A., Romeu-Dalmau, C., von Maltitz, G.P., Johnson, F.X., Shackleton, C., Jarzebski, M.P., Jumbe, C., Ochieng, C., Mudombi, S., Nyambane, A. (2018) Mechanisms and indicators for assessing the impact of biofuel feedstock production on ecosystem services. Biomass and bioenergy 114, 157–173.
10. Smith, M.S., Cook, C., Sokona, Y., Elmqvist, T., Fukushi, K., Broadgate, W., Jarzebski, M.P. (2018) Advancing sustainability science for the SDGs. Sustainability Science 13, 1483–1487.
11. Gasparatos, A, von Maltitz, G, Johnson, FX, Romeu-Dalmau, C, Jumbe, C, Ochieng, C, Mudombi, S, Balde, BS, Luhanga, D, Nyambane, A, Lopes, Jarzebski, M.P., Willis, KJ. (2018) Survey of local impacts of biofuel crop production and adoption of ethanol stoves in southern Africa. Nature: Scientific Data, 5:180186
12. Kronenberg, J., Jarzebski, M.P., Fukushi, K. (2017) Enhancing urban resilience through sustainability science research, statement about Polish-Japanese Symposium, 12th of October 2017, University of Łódź, Ekonomia i Środowisko, 4(63), 268-270.
13. Ahmed, A., Jarzebski, M.P., Gasparatos, A. (2018) Using the ecosystem service approach to determine whether jatropha projects were located in marginal lands in Ghana: implications for site selection. Biomass and Bioenergy 114, 112–124.
14. Helen, Jarzebski M.P., Gasparatos, A. (2019) Land use change, carbon stocks and tree species diversity in green spaces of a secondary city in Myanmar, Pyin Oo Lwin. PLOS ONE (no volume and page number assigned) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225331
15. Jarzebski, M.P., Tumilba, V., Yamamoto, H. (2016) Application of a tri-capital community resilience framework for assessing the social–ecological system sustainability of community-based forest management in the Philippines. Sustainability Science 11, 307–320.
16. Jarzebski, M.P., Kudo, S. (2016) The ecological domain in the sustainability science research and education. Ecol. Quest. 24, 65–74.
17. Khew, Y.T.J., Kudo, S., Jarzebski, M.P. (2016) The Efficacy of Voluntary Certification Standards for Biodiversity Conservation. Policy Matters 2016: Certification and Biodiversity.
18. Khew, Y.T.J., Jarzebski, M.P., Dyah, F., San Carlos, R., Gu, J., Esteban, M., Aránguiz, R., Akiyama, T. (2015) Assessment of social perception on the contribution of hard-infrastructure for tsunami mitigation to coastal community resilience after the 2010 tsunami: Greater Concepcion area, Chile. Int. J. disaster risk Reduct. 13, 324–333.
19. Jarzebski, M.P., Nienartowicz, A., Deptula, M., Bubnicki, J., Domin, D.J. (2010) Past, current and potential resources of carbon and above-ground plant biomass in the landscape with heaths in some selected areas of the Tuchola Forest. Ecol. Quest. 13, pp. 9–27.
国際サステイナビリティ学会International Conference on Sustainability Science学会の委員等