木村 伸吾
(きむら しんご/教授(兼担)/環境学研究系)

(1) ニホンウナギの回遊との海洋循環
(2) 稚仔魚の摂餌行動に与える乱流の影響
(3) 黒潮と生物資源変動との関係
黒潮前線域には、前線波動に伴う低気圧性の擾乱が発生しています。この現象は、下層で貯蓄された高濃度の栄養塩を植物プランクトンが光合成を行える海面近くの有光層に供給し、植物プランクトン、ひいては動物プランクトンの生産性を飛躍的に高めるものと考えられています。一般に餌料環境が良くないといわれている黒潮の沖合域に輸送されてしまった場合に、どのような生物生産プロセスを経てエネルギーを得ているのか、親魚の産卵行動を含めて検討を行っています。これまでの遠州灘を対象とした観測と数値シミュレーションに基づいた研究から、この渦による基礎生産は一年間1平米当たり40gCと推算され、渦による生産がこの海域全体の生物生産の2~3割に相当することが分かりました。このような渦域では、植物プランクトンによる基礎生産に伴ってcopepod naupliiの密度も増加し、それらの密度が最大となったところでカタクチイワシの卵と仔魚が濃密に分布する傾向があります。つまり、これは稚仔魚の生残が黒潮フロント域における鉛直的な物質の輸送によって支えられていること、また、そのような稚仔魚にとって生残の良い海域での親魚の選択的な産卵があることを示唆しています。
(4) 太平洋のクロマグロの回遊生態の解明
クロマグロはその優れた肉質や経済性により、世界的に重要な漁業資源のひとつとなっています。日本においても年間1万トン以上が漁獲されていますが、わが国の太平洋産クロマグロの漁獲高は1970年代から減少の一途を辿っています。小型魚を日本が多獲していること、大半が日本の200海里内で獲られていることから、わが国が主導的に資源管理を行う必要が生じているのです。今後、国際的な資源管理を可能にするために、その科学的根拠として本種の回遊生態を詳細に把握することがこれまで以上に必要になってくるでしょう。さらに、漁獲量の把握も不十分であることを考え合わせると、漁獲情報の解析とは異なった手法で研究を行う必要もあります。本研究室では、小型記録計(アーカイバルタグ)を本種の行動研究に適用し、個体の行動と個体が経験する海洋環境を同時に連続計測することにより、未成魚の北太平洋での遊泳行動と、それに影響を及ぼす物理・生物環境要因を明らかにし、本種の温帯域への適応機構を解明することを目的として研究を進めてきました。その結果、躍層の発達が遊泳水深の日周性を引き起こす要因であること、空間的・季節的な環境水温の鉛直構造の変化が、本種の鉛直行動を規定していることなどが分かってきました。また、地球温暖化に伴う産卵海域の環境水温が高くなれば、クロマグロにとっては壊滅的な影響を及ぼす可能性があり、これまでの当研究室の研究から100年後の仔魚の生残は現在の37%にまで落ち込むという結果を得ています。そこで、漁獲された成魚の耳石を利用して酸素同位体比の水温依存性から産卵水温をSIMS:Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry分析に基づき推定する研究を進めており、いずれ地球温暖化に伴う産卵海域の移動が分かるものと考えています。
(5) 淡水域・汽水域におけるウナギ属魚類の分布
121) Kimura S, Miyazaki S, Onda H, Kitagawa T, Miyake Y, Miller MJ, Tsukamoto K (2024) Distribution and stable isotope ratio characteristics of Japanese eel leptocephali in relation to hydrographic structure of their Pacific Ocean spawning area, Fisheries Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1111/fog.12671.
120) Karaki T, Sakamoto K, Yamanaka G, Kimura S, Kasai A (2023) Inshore Migration of Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica Encouraged by Active Horizontal Swimming during the Glass Eel Stage, Fisheries Oceanography,32,419-430.
119) Miyake Y, Tellier M-A, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Yokouchi K, Shiozaki M, Kimura S (2023) Coastal water temperature difference a potential predictor of glass eel recruitment in Anguilla japonica during non-meander periods of the Kuroshio, Journal of Oceanography,79,413-421.
118) Hane Y, Ushikubo T, Yokoyama Y, Miyairi Y, Kimura S (2022) Natal origin of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis determined by SIMS oxygen isotope analysis of otoliths, PLoS ONE,17, e0272850.
117) Miller MJ, Shimizu, M, Aoyama J, Watanabe S, Kuroki M, Feunteun E, Higuchi T, Takeuchi A, Han Y-S, Sasal P, Dupuy C, Jellyman D, Schabetsberger R, Kimura S, Mochioka N, Otake T, Tsukamoto K (2022) Distribution and abundance of leptocephali in the western South Pacific region during two large-scale sampling surveys. Progress in Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102853
116) Hagihara S, Wakiya R, Maeda T, Kimura S (2022) Morphological and gonadal histological characteristics of silver-phase male Anguilla marmorata, Journal of Fish Biology, http://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15139
115) Yamamoto M, Takeshige A, Yamaguchi A, Liu D, Kimura S (2022) Investigating terrestrial and oceanic environmental conditions to identify possible factors influencing seaweed bed distribution in Tsushima Islands, Japan, Continental Shelf Research, in press.
114) Yokouchi K, Itakura H, Wakiya R, Yoshinaga T, Mochioka N, Kimura S, Kaifu K (2022) Cumulative effects of low-height barriers on distributions of catadromous Japanese eels in Japan, Aninal Conservation,25,137-149. doi:10.1111/acv.12725.
113) Itakura H, Miyake Y, Wakiya R, Kimura S (2022) Environmental influences on late-summer individual Japanese eel diel activity and space utilization patterns in a shallow western Japan brackish lake, Fisheries Science, 88, 29-43.
112) Kasai, A, Yamazaki A, Ahn H, Yamanaka H, Kameyama S, Masuda R, Azuma N, Kimura S, Karaki T, Kurokawa Y, Yamashita Y (2021) Distribution of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica revealed by environmental DNA. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.621461
111) Hino H, Kitagawa T, Matsumoto T, Aoki Y,Kimura S (2021) Development of behavioral and physiological thermoregulatory mechanisms with body size in juvenile bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus. Fisheries Oceanography,30, 219-231. https://doi.org/10.1111/fog.12515
110) Itakura H, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Sato T, Kimura S (2021) Large contribution of pulsed subsidies to a predatory fish inhabiting large stream channels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 78, 144-153. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2020-0004.
109) Hane Y, Kimura S, Yokoyama Y, Miyairi Y, Ushikubo T, Ishimura T, Ogawa N, Aono T, Nishida K (2020) Reconstruction of temperature experienced by Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae using SIMS and microvolume CF-IRMS otolith oxygen isotope analyses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 649, 175-188.
108) Miyake, Y., Tellier, M-A., Takeshige, A., Itakura, H., Yoshida, A. and Kimura, S. (2020) Past and lost influence of the Kuroshio on estuarine recruitment of Anguilla japonica glass eels. Journal of Oceanography, 76, 259-270. doi.org/10.1007/s10872-020-00543-9.
107) Suzuki, K., Fuji, T., Kasai, A., Itoh, S., Kimura, S., Yamashita, Y. (2020) Monsoon promotes the transport of Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus eggs and larvae toward the innermost part of Tango Bay, the Sea of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 66-83. doi.org/10.1111/fog.12450.
106) Kuroki, M., Miller M.J., Feunteun, E., Sasal, P., Pikering, T. Han, Y-S, Faliex, E., Acou, A., Dessier, A., Schabetsberger, R., Watanabe, S., Kawakami, T., Onda, H., Higuchi, T., Takeuchi, A., Shimizu, M., Hewavitharane, C.A., Hagihara, S., Taka, T., Kimura, S., Mochioka, N., Otake, T. and Tsukamoto, K. (2019) Distribution of anguillid leptocephali and possible spawning areas in the South Pacific Ocean, Progress in Oceanography, doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102234
105) Lluch-Cota, S.E., Woodworth-Jefcoats, P.A., Itoh, S., Peña, A., Kimura, S., Colas, F., (2019) Understanding changes in transitional areas of the Pacific Ocean Deep-Sea Research Part II, doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104688.
104) Hsiung, K-M, Kimura S. (2019) Impacts of global warming on larval and juvenile transport of Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica), Deep-Sea Research Part II, doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104685
103) Arai, K., Itakura, H., Yoneta, A., Kaifu, K., Shirai, K., Miyake, Y., Kimura, S. (2019) Anthropogenic impacts on the distribution of wild and cultured Japanese eels in the Tone River watershed, Japan, from otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotopic compositions. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 102, 1405-1420. doi.org/10.1007/s10641-019-00915-1.
102) Han, Y.S., Hsiung, K.M., Zhang, H., Chow,L.Y., Tzeng, W.N., Shinoda, A., Yoshinaga, T., Hur, S.P., Hwang, S.D., Iizuka, Y., Kimura, S. (2019) Dispersal characteristics and pathways of Japanese glass eel in the East Asian continental shelf. Sustainability, doi:10.3390/su11092572.
101) 米田彬史・板倉光・荒井考磨・海部健三・吉永龍起・三宅陽一・白井厚太朗・木村伸吾(2019)耳石安定同位体比分析と文献調査に基づく日本におけるニホンウナギの自然分布域.日本水産学会誌、85, 150-161.
100) Hino, H., Kitagawa, T., Matsumoto, T., Aoki, Y. and Kimura, S. (2019) Changes to vertical thermoregulatory movements of juvenile bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean with time of day, seasonal ocean vertical thermal structure, and body size. Fisheries Oceanography, 28, 359-371. DOI: 10.1111/fog.12417
99) Miyake, Y., Itakura, H., Takeshige, A., Onda, H., Yamaguchi, A., Yoneta, A., Arai, K., Hane, Y.V. and Kimura, S. (2019) Multiple habitat-use of Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus in the estuary region of the Tone River system, implied by stable isotope analysis. Ichthyological Research, 66, 172-176.
98) Itakura, H., Arai, K., Kaifu, K., Shirai, K., Yoneta, A., Miyake, Y., Secor, D.H. and Kimura, S. (2018) Distribution of wild and stocked Japanese eels in the lower reaches of the Tone River catchment revealed by otolith stable isotopic ratios. Journal of Fish Biology, 93, 805-813.
97) Miyake, Y., Takeshige, A., Itakura, H., Itoh, H., Onda, H., Yamaguchi, A., Yoneta, A., Arai, K., Hane, Y.V. and Kimura, S. (2018) Predation on glass eels of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in the Tone River Estuary, Japan. Fisheries Science,84,1009-1014.
96) Yin, S., Takeshige, A., Miyake, Y. and Kimura, S. (2018) Selection of suitable coastal aquaculture sites using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Menai Strait, UK. Ocean and Coastal Management, 165, 268-279.
95) Hsiung, K.M., Kimura, S., Han, Y.S., Takeshige, A. and Iizuka, Y. (2018) Effect of ENSO events on larval and juvenile duration and transport of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). PLOS ONE, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195544.
94) Itoh, S., Takeshige, A., Kasai, A., Kimura, S. (2018) Modeling the coastal ecosystem complex: present state and challenges. Fisheries Science,84, 293-307.
93) Itakura, H., Miyake Y., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2017) Site fidelity, diel and seasonal activities of yellow-phase Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) in a freshwater habitat as inferred from acoustic telemetry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish,27, 737-751.
92) Morioka, H., Kasai, A., Miyake, Y., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2017) Food composition of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the Menai Strait, UK based on physical and biochemical analyses. Journal of Shellfish Research,36, 659-668.
91) Arai, K., Itakura, H., Yoneta, A., Yoshinaga, T., Shirotori, F., Kaifu, K., Kimura, S. (2017) Discovering the dominance of the non-native European eel in the upper reaches of the Tone River system, Japan. Fisheries Science, 83, 735-742.
90) Onda, H., Miller, M.J., Takeshige, A., Miyake, Y., Kuroki, M., Aoyama, J., Kimura, S. (2017) Vertical distribution and assemblage structure of leptocephali in the North Equatorial Current region of the western Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 575, 119-136.
89) Miyake, Y., Kimura, S., Horii, T., Kawamura, T. (2017) Larval dispersal of abalone an its three Modes: A review. Journal of Shellfish Research, 38, 157-167.
88) Itoh, S., Kasai, A., Takeshige, A., Zenimoto, K., Kimura, S., Suzuki, K.W., Miyake, Y., Funahashi, T., Yamashita, Y., Watanabe, Y. (2016) Circulation and haline structure of a microtidal bay in the Sea of Japan influenced by the winter monsoon and the Tsushima Warm Current. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121, 6331-6350.
87) 山本光夫・木村伸吾(2016) 海洋分野におけるキャリアパス形成に向けたインターンシップの教育効果.日本海洋政策学会誌、6, 117-129.
86) Miyake, Y., Kimura, S., Itoh, S., Chow, S., Murakami, K., Katayama, S., Takeshige, A., Nakata, H. (2015) Roles of vertical behavior in the open-ocean migration of teleplanic larvae: a modeling approach to the larval transport of Japanese spiny lobster. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 539, 93-109.
85) Takeshige, A., Miyake, Y., Nakata, H., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2015) Simulation of the impact of climate change on the egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus off Kyushu Island, the western coast of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 445-462.
84) Itakura, H., Kaino, T., Miyake Y., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2015) Feeding, condition, and abundance of Japanese eels from natural and revetment habitats in the Tone River, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 98, 1871-1888.
83) Itakura, H., Kitagawa, T., Miller, M.J., Kimura, S. (2015) Declines in catches of Japanese eels in rivers and lakes across Japan: Have river and lake modifications reduced fishery catches? Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 11, 147-160.
82) Takeshige, A., Miyake, Y., Nakata, H., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2013) Effect of wind stress on the catch of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus off northwestern Kyushu, Japan. Fisheries Science, 79, 989-998.
81) Takeshige, A., Takahashi, T., Nakata, H., Kimura, S. (2013) Long-term trends in sea surface temperature in coastal water in relation to large-scale climate change: A case study in Omura Bay, Japan. Continental Shelf Research, 66, 73-82.
80) Matsumoto, T., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2013) Vertical behavior of juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the southwestern part of Japan based on archival tagging. Fisheries Science, 79, 417-424.
79) Matsumoto, T., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2013) Vertical behavior of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the northwestern Pacific Ocean based on archival tag data. Fisheries Oceanography, 22, 234-246.
78) Matsumoto, T., Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S. (2013) Consideration on diving patterns of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus based on archival tag data. Fisheries Science, 79, 39-46.
77) Kitagawa, T., Ishimura, T., Uozato, R., Shirai, K., Amano, Y., Shinoda, A., Otake, T., Tsunogai, U., Kimura, S. (2013) Otolith δ18O of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis as an indicator of ambient water temperature. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 481, 199-209.
76) Kaifu, K., Miyazaki, S., Aoyama, J., Kimura, S. and Tsukamoto, K. (2013) Diet of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 96, 439-446. (2)
75) Kato, Y., Ohshima, M., Yamashita, Y., Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2012) Effects of larval ontogeny, turbulence, and prey density on survival in red sea bream Pagrus major larvae. Coastal Marine Science, 35, 262-268.
74) Miyake, Y., Kimura, S., Kawamura, T., Kitagawa, T., Takami, H. and Takahashi, T. (2011) Population connectivity of Ezo abalone on the northern Pacific coast of Japan in relation to harvest refugia establishment: a modeling approach to larval dispersal processes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 440, 137-150.
73) Yoshinaga, T., Miller, M.J., Yokouchi, K., Otake, T., Kimura, S., Aoyama, J., Watanabe, S., Shinoda, A., Oya, M., Miyazaki, S., Zenimoto, K., Sudo, R., Takahashi, T., Ahn, H., Manabe, R., Hagihara, S., Morimoto, H., Itakura, H., Machida, M., Ban, K., Shiozaki, M., Ai, B. and Tsukamoto, K. (2011) Genetic identification and morphology of naturally spawned eggs of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica collected in the western North Pacific, Fisheries Science, 77, 983-992.
72) Miyazaki, S., Kim, H., Zenimoto, K., Kitagawa, T., Miller, M.J. and Kimura, S. (2011) Stable isotope analysis of two species of anguilliform leptocephali (Anguilla japonica and Ariosoma major) relative to their feeding depth in the North Equatorial Current region, Marine Biology, 158, 2555-2564.
71) Zenimoto, K., Sasai, Y., Sasaki, H. and Kimura, S. (2011) Estimation of larval duration in Anguilla spp., based on cohort analysis, otolith microstructure, and Lagrangian simulations, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 438, 219-228.
70) Tsukamoto, K., Chow, S., Otake, T., Kurogi, H., Mochioka, N., Miller, M.J. Aoyama, J., Kimura, S., Watanabe, S., Yoshinaga, T., Shinoda, A.,7, Kuroki, M., Oya, M., Watanabe, T., Hata, K., Ijiri, S., Kazeto, Y., Nomura, K. and Tanaka, H. (2011) Oceanic spawning ecology of freshwater eels in the western North Pacific. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1174.
69) Kitagawa, K., Nakagawa, T., Kimura, R., Niino, H. and Kimura S. (2011) Vortex flow produced by schooling behavior of arabesque greenling Pleurogrammus azonus. Fisheries Science, 77, 217-222.
68) Okuyama, J., Kitagawa, T., Zenimoto, K., Kimura, S., Arai, N., Sasai, Y. and H. Sasaki (2011) Trans-PaciWc dispersal of loggerhead turtle hatchlings inferred from numerical simulation modeling. Marine Biology,158, 2055-2063.
67) Shinoda, A., Aoyama, J., Miller, M.J., Otake, T., Mochioka, N., Watanabe, S., Minegishi, Y., Kuroki, M., Yoshinaga, T., Yokouchi, K., Fukuda, N., Sudo, R., Hagihara, S., Zenimoto, K., Suzuki, Y., Oya, M., Inagaki, T., Kimura, S., Fukui, A., Lee, T.-W., and Tsukamoto, K. (2011) Evaluation of the larval distribution and migration route of the Japanese eel in the western North Pacific, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 21, 591-611.
66) Kitagawa, T., Kato, Y., Miller, M.J., Sasai, Y., Sasaki, H. and Kimura, S. (2010) The restricted spawning area and season of Pacific bluefin tuna facilitate use of nursery areas: A modeling approach to larval and juvenile dispersal processes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 393, 23-31.
65) Miyake, Y., Kimura, S., Kawamura, T., Kitagawa, T., Hara, M. and Hoshikawa, H. (2010) Estimating larval supply of ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai in a small bay using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model: insights into the establishment of harvest refugia, Fisheries Science, 76, 561-570.
64) Iida, M., Zenimoto, K., Watanabe, S., Kimura, S. and Tsukamoto, K. (2010) Larval transport of the amphidromous goby Sicyopterus japonicus by the Kuroshio Current. Coastal Marine Science, 34, 42-46.
63) Kimura, S., Kato, Y., Kitagawa, T. and Yamaoka, N. (2010) Impacts of environmental variability and global warming scenario on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) spawning grounds and recruitment habitat. Progress in Oceanography, 86, 39-44.
62) Chow, S., Kurogi, H., Katayama, S., Ambe, D., Okazaki, M., Watanabe, T., Ichikawa, T., Kodama, M., Aoyama, J., Shinoda, A., Watanabe, S., Tsukamoto, K., Miyazaki, S., Kimura, S., Yamada, Y., Nomura, K., Tanaka, H., Kazeto, Y., Hata, K., Handa, T., Tawa, A. and Mochioka, N. (2010) Japanese eel Anguilla japonica do not assimilate nutrition during the oceanic spawning migration: evidence from stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 402, 233-238.
61) Oshima, M., Kato, Y., Masuda, R., Kimura, S. and Yamashita, Y. (2009) Effect of turbulence on feeding intensity and survival of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus pelagic larvae. Journal of Fish Biology, 75, 1639-1647.
60) Kuroki, M., Aoyama, J., Kim, H., Miller, M.J., Kimura, S. and Tsukamoto, K. (2009) Migration scale of catadromous eel: diversity and evolution of larval migration based on their distribution, morphology and early life history, In "Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment", American Fisheries Society Symposium, 69,887-889.
59) Miller, M.J., Kimura, S., Friedland, K.D., Knights, B., Kim, H., Jellyman, D.J. and Tsukamoto, K. (2009) Review of Ocean-Atmospheric Factors in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Influencing Spawning and Recruitment of Anguillid Eels, In "Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment", American Fisheries Society Symposium, 69,231-249.
58) Zenimoto, K., Kitagawa, T., Miyazaki, S., Sasai, Y., Sasaki, H. and Kimura, S. (2009) The effects of seasonal and interannual variability of oceanic structure in the western Pacific North Equatorial Current on larval transport of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica), Journal of Fish Biology, 74, 1878-1890.
57) Miyake, Y., Kimura, S., Kawamura, T., Horii, T., Kurogi, H. and Kitagawa, T. (2009) Simulating larval dispersal processes for abalone using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model: implications for refugium design. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 387, 205-222.
56) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H., Yamada, H., Nitta, A., Sasai, Y. and Sasaki, H. (2008) Immature Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, utilizes cold waters in the Subarctic Frontal Zone for trans-Pacific migration. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84, 193-196. DOI 10.1007/s10641-008-9409-8.
55) Kato, Y., Takebe, T., Masuma, S., Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2008) Turbulence effect on the survival rate and ingestion rate of bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, larvae on the basis of a rearing experiment, Fisheries Science, 74, 48-53.
54) Kitagawa, T., Kato, Y. and Kimura, S. (2007) Standard Japanese names for three Thunnus species, T. orientalis, T. thynnus, and T. atlanticus, Japan. Journal of Ichthyology, 54,245-246.
53) Itoh, S. and Kimura, S. (2007) Biological transport and survival of larvae of pelagic fishes in the Kuroshio system region estimated with Lagrangian drifters, Fisheries Science,73, 1295-1308.
52) Kim, H., Kimura, S., Shinoda, A., Kitagawa, T. ,Sasai, Y. and Sasaki, H. (2007) Effect of El Niño on migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel(Anguilla japonica), ICES Journal of Marine Science,64, 1387-1395.
51) Kim, H., Kimura, S. and Sugimoto, T. (2007) Transport of jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) eggs and larvae inferred from the numerical experiment in the East China Sea. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography, 71, 9-17.
50) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2007) Why do young Pacific bluefin tuna repeatedly dive to depths through the thermocline, Fisheries Science, 73, 98-106.
49) Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2006) An alternative heat budget model relevant to heat transfer in fishes and its practical use for detecting their physiological thermoregulation. Zoological Science, 23, 1065-1071.
48) Kitagawa, T., Sartimbul, A., Nakata, H., Kimura, S.and Yamada, H. (2006) The effect of water temperature on habitat use of young Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, in the East China Sea. Fisheries Science, 72, 1166-1176.
47) Kimura, S. and Tsukamoto, K. (2006) The salinity front in the North Equatorial Current: A landmark for the spawning migration of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) related to the stock recruitment. Deep-Sea Research II, 53, 315-325.
46) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2006) Thermal adaptation of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis to temperate waters. Fisheries Science, 72, 149-156.
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44) 木村伸吾・中田英昭・Daniel Margulies・Jenny M. Suter・Sharon L. Hunt (2004) 海洋乱流がキハダマグロ仔魚の摂餌に与える影響.日本水産学会誌、70, 175-178.
43) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2004) Overview of the research on tuna thermo-physiology using electric tags. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, 58, 69-79.
42) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2004) Diving behavior of immature, feeding Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in relation to season and area: the East China Sea and the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region. Fisheries Oceanography, 13, 161-180.
41) Tsukamoto, K., Otake, T., Mochioka, N., Lee, T.-W., Fricke, H., Inagaki, T., Aoyama, J., Ishikawa, S., Kimura, S., Miller, M. J., Hasumoto, H., Oya, M. and Suzuki, Y. (2003) Seamounts, new moon and eel spawning: The search for the spawning site of the Japanese eel. Environmental Biology of Fish, 66, 221-229.
40) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. T. and Yamada, H.(2003) Diving patterns and performance of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) as recorded by archival tags. Otsuchi Marine Science, 28, 52-58.
39) Okazaki, Y., Nakata, H., Kimura, S and Kasai, A. (2003) Offshore entrainment of anchovy larvae and its implication for their survival in a frontal region of the Kuroshio. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 248, 237-244.
38) Kimura, S. (2003) Larval transport of the Japanese eel. In Eel Biology (eds. Aida K., Tsukamoto K. and Yamauchi K.). Springer-Verlag, pp.497, 169-179.
37) Kitagawa, T., Kudo, H. and Kimura, S. (2003) Hatchling transport of loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific. Proc of the 3rd SEASTAR 2000 workshop, 39-44.
36) Kudo, H., Kitagawa, T. and Kimura, S. (2003) Effect of beach use and environmental conditions on emergence success of loggerhead turtles in Yakushima Island, Japan. Proc of the 3rd SEASTAR 2000 workshop, 49-52.
35) Tameishi, H., Saito, K., Nakasono Y., Takahashi, K., Itoh, S., Kimura, S. and Sugimoto, T. (2002) Present state and future about application of satellite remote sensing for fisheries around Japan. Fisheries Science, 68, supplement II, 1775-1780.
34) Kitagawa, T., Kimura, S., Nakata, H. and Yamada, H. (2002) Diving behavior of immature Pacific bluefine tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) recorded by an archival tag. Fisheries Science, 68, supplement I, 427-428.
33) Okazaki, Y., Nakata, H. and Kimura, S. (2002) Spatial distributions of anchovy larvae and naupliar copepods in relation to frontal eddies. Fisheries Science, 68, supplement I, 437-438.
32) Kasai A., Kimura S., Nakata H. and Okazaki Y. (2002) Entrainment of coastal water into a frontal eddy of the Kuroshio and its biological significance. Journal of Marine Systems, 37, 185-198.
31) Okazaki, Y., Nakata, H. and Kimura, S. (2002) Effects of frontal eddies on the distribution and food availability of anchovy larvae in the Kuroshio Extension. Marine and Freshwater Research, 53, 403-410.
30) Kitagawa, T., Nakata, H., Kimura, S., Sugimoto, T. and Yamada, H. (2002) Analysis of tunas behavior using of acoustic, archival and pop-up tags :A review. Otsuchi Marine Science, 27, 1-6.
29) Kitagawa, T., Nakata, H., Kimura, S., Sugimoto, T. and Yamada, H. (2002) Differences in vertical distribution and movement of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) recorded by an archival tag. Marine and Freshwater Research, 53, 245-252.
28) Kimura, S., Inoue, T. and Sugimoto, T. (2001) Fluctuation in larval transport of the Japanese eel associated with global oceanic-climatic change. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 9, 183-190.
27) Kimura S. and Sugimoto T. (2001) Biological productivity and behavior in an eddy in the lee of isolated island on the basis of research using ADCP and fluorometers. Proceedings on "International symposium on advanced techniques of sampling gear and acoustical surveys for estimation of fish abundance and behavior" (ACOUSTGEAR2000), 180-190.
26) Kitagawa T., Nakata H., Kimura S. and Tsuji S. (2001) Thermoconservation mechanisms of inferred from peritoneal cavity temperature in free swimming Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus orientalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 220, 253-263.
25) Sugimoto T., Kimura S. and Tadokoro K. (2001) Impact of El Nino events on marine living resources and their physical environments in the western North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography. 49, 113-127.
24) Kimura S., Inoue, T. and Sugimoto T. (2001) Fluctuation in distribution of low-salinity water in the North Equatorial Current and its effect on the larval transport of the Japanese eel. Fisheries Oceanography, 10, 51-60.
23) Tsuda A., Sugisaki H. and Kimura S. (2000) Mosaic horizontal distributions of three species of copepods in the subarctic Pacific during spring. Marine Biology. 137, 683-689.
22) Kitagawa T., Nakata H., Kimura S., Itoh T., Tsuji S. and Nitta A. (2000) Effect of ambient temperature on the vertical distribution and movement of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 206, 251-260.
21) Kimura S., Nakata H. and Okazaki Y. (2000) Biological production in meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances of the Kuroshio Extension. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 133-142.
20) Nakata H., Kimura S., Okazaki Y. and Kasai A. (2000) Implications of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances of the Kuroshio Current for anchovy recruitment. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 143-152.
19) Kimura S. and Sugimoto T. (2000) Two processes by which short-period fluctuations in the meander of the Kuroshio affect its countercurrent. Deep-Sea Research, 47, 745-754.
18) Kimura S., Nakata H., Okazaki Y. and Sugimoto T. (1999) Biological production process associated with frontal disturbance of the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension. Bulletin of Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, 62, 207-213.
17) Kimura S., Döös K. and Coward A.C. (1999) Numerical simulation to resolve the downstream migration of the Japanese eel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 186, 303-306.
16) Kimura S., Kasai A., Nakata H., Sugimoto T., Simpson J.H. and Cheok J.V.S. (1997) Biological productivity of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances in the Kuroshio. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54, 179-192.
15) Kimura S., Nakai M. and Sugimoto T. (1997) Migration of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the North Pacific Ocean in relation to large oceanic phenomena. Fisheries Oceanography, 6, 51-57.
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11) Kimura S., Choo S.H. and Sugimoto T. (1994) Characteristics of the eddy caused by Izu-Oshima Island and the Kuroshio Branch Current in Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 50, 373-389.
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9) Kasai A., Kimura S. and Sugimoto T. (1993) Warm water intrusion from the Kuroshio into the coastal areas south of Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 49, 607-624.
8) Kimura S., Kishi M.J., Nakata H. and Yamashita Y. (1992) A numerical analysis of population dynamics of the sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) in the Eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 1, 321-332.
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1) Kimura S. and Sugimoto T. (1987) Short period fluctuations in oceanographic and fishing conditions in the coastal area of Kumano-nada Sea. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 53, 585-593.
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