大谷 美沙都
(おおたに みさと/教授/生命科学研究系)

2000年3月 東京大学理学物生物学科卒業
2005年9月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科 博士課程修了(理学博士)
2005年10月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科 学術研究支援員
2006年4月 理化学研究所 植物科学研究センター 基礎科学特別研究員
2010年4月 理化学研究所 バイオマス工学研究プログラム 研究員
2014年4月 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 助教
2019年4月より東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 准教授
1) Uy ALT, Yamamoto A, Matsuda M, Hasunuma T, Demura T, *Ohtani M (2023) The Carbon Flow Shifts from Primary to Secondary Metabolism during Xylem Vessel Cell Differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 64: 1563–157
2) Takayanagi N, Mukai M, Sugiyama M, and *Ohtani M (2022) Transcriptional regulation of cell proliferation competence-associated Arabidopsis genes, CDKA;1, RID1, and SRD2 by phytohormones in tissue culture. Plant Biotechnol. 39, 329-333
3) Hirai R, Wang S, *Demura T, *Ohtani M (2022) Histone deacetylation controls xylem vessel cell differentiation via transcriptional regulation of a transcription repressor complex OFP1/4–MYB75–KNAT7–BLH6. Front Plant Sci 12, 825810
4) Arae T, Nakakoji M, Noguchi M, Kamon E, Sano R, *Demura T, *Ohtani M (2021) Plant secondary cell wall proteome analysis with an inducible system for xylem vessel cell differentiation. Dev Growth Differ 64, 5-15
5) Chiam NC, Fujimura T, Sano R, Akiyoshi N, Hiroyama R, Watanabe Y, Motose H, Demura T, *Ohtani M (2019) Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay deficiency affects the auxin response and shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 60: 2000-2014
6) Takenaka Y, Watanabe Y, Schuetz M, Unda F, Hill Jr JL, Phookaew P, Yoneda Y, Mansfield SD, Samuels L, *Ohtani M, *Demura T (2018) Patterned deposition of xylan and lignin is independent from that of the secondary wall cellulose of Arabidopsis xylem vessels. Plant Cell 30: 2663-2676
7) Tan TT, Endo H, Sano R, Kurata T, Yamaguchi M, *Ohtani M, *Demura T (2018) Arabidopsis VND1-VND3 contribute to xylem vessel element formation in the cotyledon. Plant Phyiol 176: 773-789
8) Bowmn JL, Kohchi T, Yamato KT., et al. (2017) Insights into land plant evolution garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha genome. Cell 171: 287-304
9) Ohtani M, Morisaki K, Sawada Y, Sano R, Uy ALT, Yamamoto A, Kurata T, Nakano Y, Suzuki S, Matsuda M, Hasunuma T, Hirai MY, *Demura T (2016) Primary metabolism during biosynthesis of secondary wall polymers of protoxylem vessel elements. Plant Physiol 172: 1612-1624
10) *Ohtani M, Takebayashi A, Hiroyama R, Xu B, Kudo T, Sakakibara H, Sugiyama M, Demura T (2015) Cell dedifferentiation and organogenesis in vitro require more snRNA than does seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Plant Res 128: 371-380
11) Xu B, *Ohtani M, Yamaguchi M, Toyooka K, Wakazaki M, Sato M, Kubo M, Hiwatashi Y, Murata T, Kurata T, Yoneda A, Kato K, Hasebe M, *Demura T (2014) Contribution of NAC Transcription Factors to Plant Adaptation to Land. Science 343: 1505-1508
12) *Ohtani M, Demura T, Sugiyama M (2013) Arabidopsis ROOT INITIATION DEFECTIVE 1, a DEAH-box RNA helicase involved in pre-mRNA splicing, is essential for plant development. Plant Cell 25: 2056-2069
13) Ohtani M, Nishikubo N, Xu B, Yamaguchi M, Mitsuda N, Goue N, Shi F, Ohme-Takagi M, *Demura T (2011) A NAC domain protein family contributing to the regulation of wood formation in poplar. Plant J 67: 499-512
14) Ohtani M, Demura T, *Sugiyama M (2010) Particular significance of SRD2-dependent snRNA accumulation in polarized pattern generation during lateral root development of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 51: 2002-2012
15) Yamaguchi M, Goue N, Igarashi H, Ohtani M, Nakano Y, Mortimer JC, Nishikubo N, Kubo M, Katayama Y, Kakegawa K, Dupree P, *Demura T (2010)VASCULAR-RELATED NAC-DOMAIN6 and VASCULAR-RELATED NAC-DOMAIN7 effectively induce transdifferentiation into xylem vessel elements under control of an induction system. Plant Physiol 153: 906-914
16) Ohtani M, Demura T, *Sugiyama M (2008) Differential requirement for the function of SRD2, an snRNA transcription activator, in various stages of plant development. Plant Mol Biol 66: 303-314
17) Ohtani M, *Sugiyama M (2005) Involvement of SRD2-mediated activation of snRNA transcription in the control of cell proliferation competence in Arabidopsis. Plant J 43: 479-490
Editor of "Plant Biotechnology”(2022年〜)、Editor of "Journal of Plant Research" (2021〜)Associate Editor of “Plant Molecular Biology” (2019年~)、Editorial Board of “Frontiers in Plant Science”(2018年~)等