


2023年 イベント・写真











2022年 イベント・写真











2021年 UTSIPはCOVID-19のためオンラインで実施しました

2020年 UTSIPはCOVID-19により中止となりました

2019年 イベント・写真















2018年 イベント・写真




















2017年 イベント・写真






















2016年 イベントと写真











2015年 イベントと写真









2014年 イベントと写真











2013年 イベントと写真











2023年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Carrageenan Gels Under Uniaxial Deformation" Harvey Mudd College 眞弓 皓一・物質系専攻
"Rheological Properties of Highly Reversible Shake Gel at Low Particle Concentrations" Nanyang Technological University 眞弓 皓一・物質系専攻
"2D Thomson Scattering Measurement for Electron Heating Characteristics in TS-6 Tokamak Merging Experiments" University of California Berkeley 小野 靖・先端エネルギー専攻
"Magnetic Field Behavior During Fusion" University of Wisconsin-Madison 小野 靖・先端エネルギー専攻
"Spectroscopic measurement of plasma in the TST-2 tokamak" Imperial College London 江尻 晶・複雑理工学専攻
"Atg 1 Overexpression Affect Number of Autophagosomes in Yeast Cells" University of California Los Angels 大矢 禎一/ 鈴木 邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"Autophagosome Formation, Lipid Transfer and the Role of Osh Proteins in Autophagy" Bogazici University 大矢 禎一/ 鈴木 邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"Roles of the phytosterols in the arrangement of cortical microtubules during xylem vessel cell differentiation" National University of Mongolia 大谷 美沙都・先端生命科学専攻
"Genome-Wide Association Study on Human Brown Adipocytes" University of Dundee 中山 一大・先端生命科学専攻
"Changes in Feeding Behavior Induced by Insulin-Like Peptide Knockdown in Gryllus bimaculatus" Columbia University 永田 晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Ideas for finding meaningful motifs" the University of Tokyo FRITH Martin・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Computational Prediction of XIST Gene in Unannotated Species" Nile University FRITH Martin・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Development and Application of an Enhanced Ocean Buoy with Wind Sensor" University College London 小平 翼・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Effect of Intermittent Injection on CO2 Hydrate formation in Deep Saline Aquifers" Indian Institute of Technology Madras 佐藤 徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Effect of pH on Pinacol Rearrangement in Subcritical Water" Chemical Engineering, Aston University 秋月 信・環境システム学専攻
"""Exploring the Relationship Bewteen Experimental Tasks and Visual Attention""" Universidad del Valle de México 大島 義人・環境システム学専攻
"Researching Groundwater Salinity Nearby a Tidal River Through an Integrated Approach" University of Wisconsin-Madison 徳永 朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Impact of Investor Response Time and Behavior on Stock Market Profits" The Chinese University of Hong Kong 陳 昱・人間環境学専攻
"Evaluating Feebate Policy in Maritime Transportation with Multi-Agent Simulation" University College London 稗方 和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Disaster experiences, lessons, perceptions and culture: a comparative analysis between Mexico and Japan" Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 小貫 元治・国際協力学専攻
"Synthesis of Design Earthquake Ground Motions" University College London 本多 利器・国際協力学専攻
"Carbon Pricing Instruments in the European Union and Japan - Overall Comparison and Impact Analysis" Università Ca' Foscari Venezia 亀山 康子・サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラム (GPSS-GLI)

2022年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Observation of Ferroaxial Domains in NiTiO3" University of California, Berkeley 木村 剛・物質系専攻
"Measurement of ultra weak visible light emissions from plasma during pre-ionization phase in TST-2 spherical tokamak device" Indian Institute of technology Madras 江尻 晶・複雑理工学専攻
"Relationship between RNA metabolism and plant cell potency in Arabidopsis thaliana" University of Wisconsin Madison 大谷 美沙都・先端生命科学専攻
"Determining the Correlation Between Genotypes of SNPs, rs12952369 and rs12471804, and the Brown Adipose Tissue Activity in Humans" University of California, Berkeley 中山 一大・先端生命科学専攻
"Analysis of the relationship between rs4585955 and obesity with a focus on brown adipose tissue" Univeristy of Tokyo 中山 一大・先端生命科学専攻
"Capa's Expression Effect on Drinking Behavior in two spotted cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus" Columbia University - Barnard College 永田 晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Long-term Autumn Sea Ice Variability Over Pacific part of the Arctic Ocean" University of Ruhuna 早稲田 卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Investigating the future consecutive hot periods under global warming in relation to increased health risk" University College London 和田 良太・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Calibrated Probabilistic Forecasting Using Ensemble Model Output Statistics and Minimum CRPS Estimation" University College London 愛知 正温・環境システム学専攻
"Optimizing the Synthesis of p-Cymene from α-Pinene in Hot Compressed Water" Yale University 秋月 信・環境システム学専攻
"Assessing Air Curtain Effectivity Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Analysis" Lebanese American University 大島 義人・環境システム学専攻
"Voronoi-Simulation of Glassy Cell Behavior" Indiana University Bloomington 陳 昱・人間環境学専攻
"Modelling and Analysis of Oceano-Dynamical properties in Estuarine area using FVCOM" Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 佐々木 淳・社会文化環境専攻
"Relationship between RNA metabolism and plant cell potency in Arabidopsis thaliana" Manipal Institute of Technology 本田 利器・国際協力学専攻
"Adaptation actions for sea level rise in the UAE" New York University Abu Dhabi 小貫 元治・GPSS-GLI

2021年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Measurement of current in Poloidal Field and Toroidal Field coils of Tokamaks" University of California, Berkeley 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Roles and Implications of DNA Palindromes in Alzheimer's Disease: a systematic review and computational analysis" University of Cambridge Martin FRITH・メディカル情報生命専攻
"An Analysis of Chromosome X Tandem Repeats" Jordan University of Science and Technology Martin FRITH・メディカル情報生命専攻
"To Compare the Sensitivity of Minimally Overlapping words with Syncmers" Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur) Martin FRITH・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Identifying the key characteristics of parameter sets by inverse analysis in land subsidence modelling" University of British Columbia 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Simulation of indoor airflow in a real university lecture room from the perspective of reducing the risk of covid-19 infection" Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Exploring People's Gaze Distribution in a Laboratory to ensure Safety Practices in a Laboratory" Indian Institute of Technology Madras 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Experimenters' Trajectory Extraction and Analysis in the Academic Laboratory" The University of Texas at Austin 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Mapping of Mangrove Forests using Satellite imagery and Deep Learning: Challenges and Future possibility" Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani 佐々木淳・社会文化環境学専攻
"Evacuation simulation based on a floor field automation (with walking ability variety extension)" Fudan University CHEN Yu・人間環境学専攻
"How Social Networks support community resilience during a disaster: a case study of Colombia's community pots" University of Los Andes 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Effect of Culture Preservation Policy on Social Capital of Indigenous Community with BSEM" The University of Tokyo 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Social Inclusiveness in Smart Cities" University of Toronto 小貫元治・GPSS-GLI
"In Sustainability We Trust: Motivations behind the Research Topics of GPSS-GLI Students" Harvard University 小貫元治・GPSS-GLI
"Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Freshwater Lenses" The College of Idaho 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻

2020年 UTSIPはCOVID-19により中止となりました

2019年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Magnetic Phase Transitions in MnWO4" Carnegie Mellon University 有馬孝尚、徳永祐介・物質系専攻
"Spontronics: Fabrication and detection of SHE and ISHE of T-device (Pt/Py)" University of Manchester 大谷義近・物質系専攻
"Ferroelectricity of CuO" Carnegie Mellon University 木村剛・物質系専攻
"Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects in topological magnet" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 中辻知・物質系専攻
"Magnetic reconnection profile: current density and anomalous resistivity of the current sheet" The University of Edinburgh 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Observation of H-alpha, H-beta, and CIII Radiation Emission in TST-2 Spherical Tokamak" University of Oklahoma 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"Morphometric analysis of ER exit sites in Rtn mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 大矢禎一・先端生命科学専攻
"Investigating the opsin sequences of 3 Pitheciidae monkey species: the dusky titi, bearded and pale-faced sakis" Trinity College Dublin 河村正二・先端生命科学専攻
"Effect of DHCR24-1 on the Sterol Composition in Tissues of the Two-spotted Cricket" Middlebury College 永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Study of the presence and role of DHCR24-2 gene in Gryllus bimaculatus" Kazakh National University 永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Determination of the relationship between TBX15/WARS2 genes and Non-shivering Thermogenesis in Japanese Adults" University College London 中山一大・先端生命科学専攻
"An improved implementation of the Gillespie algorithm for RNA kinetics with logarithmic time update" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati 浅井潔・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Investigating Non-Coding Elements (CNEs) in DNA" University of Montana Martin FRITH・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Development of a de novo genome assembler for high fidelity, circular consensus reads" Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 森下真一・メディカル情報生命専攻
"System Options in Offshore CCS and Prioritisation of Large-Scale R&Ds" University of Oxford 尾崎雅彦・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Pore-Scale Numerical Simulations of CO2 Hydrate Fromation" University of Edinburgh 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Analysis of Marine Renewable Energy Around the World" Bucknell University 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Viewing Free-Surface Effect on Half-Submerged Cylinders" University of Wisconsin: Madison 平林紳一郎・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Variations of Wind and Wave Conditions in North Atlantic Ocean" Zhejiang University 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Land subsidence due to groundwater extraction" Delhi Technological University 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Controlling the Selectivity of Zeolite-Catalysed α-Pinene Isomerisation in Subcritical Water" University of Birmingham 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"A promosing proton conductor for solid oxide fuel cells: La2Ce2O7" Leiden University & Technical University of Delft 大友順一郎・環境システム学専攻
"Effects of hypoxia on mantis shrimp and conger eel in Ise Bay" University of California, Santa Cruz 多部田茂・環境システム学専攻
"Nitrogen Pollution of Groundwater and Groundwater Flow in Tsurumi River Watershed" Gadjah Mada University 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Measurement of liquid film thickness in micro tubes" Vellore Institute of Technology Chaobin DANG・人間環境学専攻
"Investigating Collective Cell Migration of Aged Cell Monolayers in vitro and its Mechanism " Indian Institute of Technology (Bhu), Varanasi Yu CHEN・人間環境学専攻
"Social financial approach for analyzing low carbon transition: A multi-level perspective" Fudan University Yu CHEN・人間環境学専攻
"Economic crisis impact on low-carbon transition in economy-ecosystem" Fudan University Yu CHEN・人間環境学専攻
"Low carbon transition in two way linked distributed energy system" Fudan University Yu CHEN・人間環境学専攻
"Development of PC-Cluster System for Hybrid-Parallel FEM and Its Application to a Steam Turbine Blade Structural Analysis" Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 奥田洋司・人間環境学専攻
"Implementation of IoT and Cloud Computing for visualization and analysis of real-time sensor signals" Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Vibrational Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric Bimoprh Cantilever" National University of Science and Technology 森田剛・人間環境学専攻
"Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Elements" The University of Tokyo 森田剛・人間環境学専攻
"PPP Bidding Process, Bargaining Power, and Social Welfare: A Simple Model" Ain Shams University 堀田昌英・国際協力学専攻
"Evolutionary Selection of Thresholds for Group Consensus through Honey Bee Swarms" University of California, Los Angeles 堀田昌英・国際協力学専攻
"Input Ground Motion Using Machine Learning for Seismic Design" Bandung Institute of Technology 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Perceptions on reintegration for Hikikomori" Kyung Hee University 小貫元治・GPSS-GLI
"How Religious Values and Culture Affect Marriage Law" Chulalongkorn University 田中俊徳・GPSS-GLI

2018年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Hydrogeological Structure of the East Coast of Niijima Island" University of Edinburgh 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Measurement of Toroidal Magnetic Field Measurement in Magnetic Reconnection Region of Plasma" Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Coherence Spectrum Analysis of Current Flow Near Kuchinoshima Island" Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Investigation of MnB2 Physical Properties" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 中辻知・物質系専攻
"Mn3Ga (ε-phase) Synthesis" Haverford College 中辻知・物質系専攻
"DNA Sequences and Transposons" Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 森下真一・メディカル情報生命専攻
"A Frameshift Analysis Tool and Its Application on Escherichia Coli Genome" Carnegie Mellon University Martin Frith・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Large Scale Morpholigcal Profiling of Target Genes of Resveratrol in S. cerevisiae" Earlham College 大矢禎一・先端生命科学専攻
"Spectral Analysis of Opsin and Studying Color Vision of Wild Cebus Capucinus" Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology 河村正二・先端生命科学専攻
"Land Subsidence Due To Groundwater Abstraction" Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Detecting the Plastic Change of the Soil -Evaluation of the Two Methods Using FEM Simulation" The University of Tokyoト 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Conversion of Glucose Into Lactic Acid Under Subcritical Water Conditions" Nazarbayev University 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Development of an Agent-Based Speculation Game for Higher Reproducibility of Financial Stylized Facts" University of Aberdeen Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"The Impact of Firms' Imitating Behavior on the Financial Market by Agent-Based Model" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Cuffless Calibration-Free Blood Pressure Estimation" Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 割澤伸一・人間環境学専攻
"Hypoxic Bay: Bayesian Data Analysis of Oxygen Levels in Tokyo Bay" New York University 佐々木淳・社会文化環境学専攻
"Making and Characterization of CoNb2O6 Single Crystal" University of Cambridge 有馬孝尚、徳永祐介・物質系専攻
"Trigger System for Plasma Experiment" North China Electric Power University 西浦正樹・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Calibration of Probes Used in Plasma Fusion" Colorado School of Mines 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"Unravelling the Neural Circuitry of Drosophila Melanogaster" University of St. Andrews 能瀬聡直・複雑理工学専攻
"Finite Element Analysis of PCB Warpage Usiong Raspberry Pi Cluster" Seoul National University 奥田洋司、橋本学・人間環境学専攻
"Multi-Scenario Simulation Lab Regarding OPEN_MPI and Conjugate Gradient Method" University of California Los Angeles 奥田洋司、橋本学・人間環境学専攻
"Tissue Homeostasis as a Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in a Cellular Automaton" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Study on the Front Roughness Dynamics of Wound Healing" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Requirement Analysis of On-Demand Bus Deployment Using Systems Approach" Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) 稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Energy Harvesting with a Piezoelectric Material" University College London 森田剛・人間環境学専攻
"Exploring Causal Structures of Psychological Factors that Trigger Recovery Activities of Rural Residents Affected by the 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake" Universitas Gadjah Mada 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Yokkaichi Asthma Case: Causes and Lessons Learnt" Nazarbayev University 小貫元治・GPSS-GLI
"Numerical analysis of the Density Current Generator implementation in Dangdong Bay" Universidad de las Americas Puebla 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Interannual Variability of the Arctic Cyclones" University of Edinburgh 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells: Proton Conductor Material Characterization and Steam Electrolysis Analysis" Carnegie Mellon University 大友順一郎・環境システム学専攻
"Effects of RNAi on Diet Consumption in Two-Spotted Cricket, Gryllus Bimaculatus" University of Toronto 永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Testing Association Between an Adaptive Variant of Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene and Thermogenesis in Japanese Adults" Vietnam National University 中山一大・先端生命科学専攻

2017年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル University Supervisor; Department
"Measurement of ion temperatures for toroidal plasma using doppler Spectroscopy" SRM University 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Experimental investigation of current sheet resistivity during fast magnetic reconnection" The University of Tokyo 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Development of plasma diagnostic system for ion temperature and flow velocity" University of Dehil 西浦正樹・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Advancements in the field of processing DNA sequencing data" Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 森下真一・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Analyzing the effect of supporting material:Iron doped calcium titanate dan yttria stabilized zirconia in oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion" Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 大友順一郎・環境システム学専攻
"2D numerical modelling of groundwater - seawater interactions following coastal progradation at the Kujukuri Coast, Japan" Tecnologico de Monterrey 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Experimental study of the performance of human body communication with capacitive coupling electrodes" Nazarbayev University 佐々木健・人間環境学専攻
"Convolutional neural nets and financial time series prediction" McGill University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Design of multi-observation system for autonomous ship" Carnegie Mellon University 稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Modeling and examining high power ultrasonic motor" SRM University 森田剛・人間環境学専攻
"Infrastructure development to control the salinity in Tokyo Bay" Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 佐々木淳・社会文化環境学専攻
"An application of global game: A case study in Bangladesh" Yale University 本田利器・国際協力学専攻ト
"A comparative study : Japan and Ecuador's information materials for disaster risk education" Universidad Casa Grande 小貫元治・GPSS- GLI
"Investigation of multiferroic properties of LaFeO3" Imperial College London 有馬孝尚、徳永祐介・物質系専攻
"Spin to charge conversion via non-local spin injection in a lateral spin valve structure" University College London 大谷義近・物質系専攻
"Plasma enhanced inkjet method" Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 寺嶋和夫・物質系専攻
"Thermoelectric effect & possible application of Mn3Sn" Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 中辻知・物質系専攻
"Measurement of charge buildup during magnetic reconection using langmuir probes" Princeton University 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Parametric decay instability measurements during current drive experiments on TST-2 spherical tokamak plasmas" Hassan Ⅱ University, Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"Identifying jervine target proteins by localization of proteins involved in beta1,6 glucan synthesis in yeast cells" University of Science and Technology at Zewail City 大矢禎一・先端生命科学専攻
"Truncated neuropeptide F and fecal microbiota transplant in two-spotted crickets" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"FMRF amide and the feeding behavior of the two-spotted cricket" University College London 永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"VIV preliminary experiments on horizontal pipe to generate power system" Mulawarman University 鈴木英之、平林紳一郎・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Numerical study on solutions to dysoxic water mass" University of Science and Technology at Zewail City 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Numerical study on the comparison between DCG and other devices" The University of Tokyo 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Visualizing internal gravity waves and their effects on ocean turbines" Johns Hopkins University 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Effect of meteorological conditions on freak wave occurrence" University of Warwick 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Numerical studies on land subsidence monitoring for groundwater abstraction and natural disaster emergencies in Tokyo" University College London 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Parallel computing and practical finite element analysis - static/eigen analysis of Awing under gravity force" Imperial College London 奥田洋司・人間環境学専攻
"Decarboxylation in high-pressure and high -temperature water" University of California Los Angeles 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Phenol oxidation under supercritical water" The University of Tokyo 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Forecasting financial extremes - A network degree measure" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Simulation of stock market using percolation model" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Policy design for low-carbon energy: an agent-based simulation approach" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Classification of human behaviors related to blood pressure" National Tsing Hua University 割澤伸一・人間環境学専攻
"Robustness of different transportation road network models" Northwestern University 本田利器・国際協力学専攻

2016年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"UTSIP Summer Internship 2016 - Properties of Ga1.3Fe0.7O3" University of Arizona 有馬孝尚、徳永祐介・物質系専攻
"Verification of CRISPR/Cas9 knockout system efficiency in Oryzias latipes" The University of Western Ontario 三谷啓志・先端生命科学専攻
"Political Economy of Japan's Perception toward the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)" Tsinghua University 堀田昌英・国際協力学専攻
"Material Synthesis and Kintetic Analysis of Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Systems" University of British Columbia 大友順一郎・環境システム学専攻
"Measurement of Audio Signal Transmission Quality in Human Body" Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education 佐々木健・人間環境学専攻
"A Brief Report on Integrating PQ Agents into the MARK0 Model" Swarthmore College Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Multicellular homeostasis with agent-based model: The role of mutation in tumorigenesis" Fudan University Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Minimizing Reflections Using a Passive Wave Absorber" University of Arizona 鈴木英之、平林紳一郎・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Measurements in High Magnetic Fields" University of California, Los Angeles 松田康弘・物質系専攻
"Plasma Diagnostic using Emission Spectroscopy" Nazarbayev University 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"Profiling of the effects of Latrunculin-A on yeast cells based on morphometric analysis" Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 大矢禎一・先端生命科学専攻
"Effect of macromolecular crowding on an artificial cell division system using cell-free protein synthesis" University of Melbourne 上田卓也、富田野乃・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Numerical simulation of mud erosion in the subsea sand-mud alternate layers" Universiti Putra Malaysia 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Ocean Current Measurement Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler" Bandung Institute of Technology 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"The Optimal Routing of a Wind Assisted Cargo Ship" Imperial College London 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Water and Nutrient Balance at Paddy Fields under Climate Pressure" University of Cambridge 愛知正温・環境システム学専攻
"Decomposition of Phenol Using Supercritical Water Oxidation" Mapua Institute of Technology 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Modelling the long-term dynamics of the Tokyo Bay ecosystem" The University of British Columbia 多部田茂・環境システム学専攻
"Effects of chloride and sulfate concentration on fluoride sorption in a granitic soil" Universiti Putra Malaysia 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Experimental and numerical studies of chemical osmosis in mudstones" University of Southern California 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Market Equilibrium with Labor Dynamics" Fudan University Yu Chen・環境システム学専攻
"Study on Characteristics of High Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal (HCPVT)" Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 飛原英治、Chaobin Dang・人間環境学専攻
"Development of mutual watching service based on on-demand bus data" University of Science and Technology of China 稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Exogenous Charge Stimulation on Neuron and Wireless Power Transfer" Universidad Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez 割澤伸一・人間環境学専攻
"Detecting Human Settlements in Satellite Images with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks" İstanbul Technical University 柴崎亮介・社会文化環境学専攻
"Disaster Resilience and the Economy" National University Singapore 本田利器・国際協力学専攻ト

2015年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Spin transport properties in magnetic nanostructures" Grenoble-inp Phelma 大谷義近・物質系専攻
"Ion Heating in UTST Plasma Merging Experiment" Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati 小野靖・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Temperature and Density Profile Measurements of Cold Electron using Langmuir Double Probe in RT-1 Plasma Device" Imperial College London 西浦正樹・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Hard X-Ray Detection in TST-2" Universität Ulm 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"A Brief Analysis of Insulin-like Peptide in Crickets" Zhejiang University 片岡宏誌、永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Effects of Continuous Type Ultrasonic Washing Machine on Food Quality and Safety" Middle East Technical University 大矢禎一、鈴木邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"Understanding the sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to different concentrations of glucose and different carbon sources" Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata 大矢禎一、鈴木邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"Laccase2, ebony and tan genes functions in melanin synthesis in B. mori" University of Ottawa 藤原晴彦・先端生命科学専攻
"Opsin Genotyping & Photopigment Reconstruction of Red-Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia rubra)" Adelphi University 河村正二・先端生命科学専攻
"Creation of inducable PURE system within artificial liposome" University of Zurich, Switzerland 上田卓也、富田野乃・メディカル情報生命専攻
"Dynamic Response of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine" Cairo University 鈴木英之、平林紳一郎・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Improving CO₂ Seepage Simulation Model: the Case of Kagoshima Bay" Chulalongkorn University 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Validation of Wave Model based on IEC 62600-101 Standard" Universiitas Gadjah Mada 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Modeling and Interpreting Shear Flow Experiment" Bandung Institute of Technology 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Numerical Experiments on Saltwater Intrusion - Justification of FEFLOW Modeling under Unsaturated-Saturated Condition" Imperial College London 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Micro Channel heat exchanger design for concentrating solar Photovoltaic (CPV) system" Zhejiang University、KTH王立工科大学 飛原英治、Chaobin Dang・人間環境学専攻
"Hybrid-type Smooth Impact Drive Optimum Impedance & Driving Experiment" American University in Cairo 森田剛・人間環境学専攻
"Detection of Unusual Behaviors in Elderly Users of On-Demand Bus" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 大和裕幸、稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"Photoplethysmography (PPG) - Motion Artifact of Wrist-type sensor, and PPG Variability" University of London 佐々木健・人間環境学専攻
"Water in Kashiwa - Helping good people say bad things about each other" McMaster University 堀田昌英・国際協力学専攻
"Exploring the Rold of Rish Transfer in Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction" Universitas Gadjah Mada 本田利器・国際協力学専攻

2014年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Preparation and Properties of GdBaCo2O5+δ" Trinity College, The University of Dublin 有馬孝尚・物質系専攻
"Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Culr" SRM University 大谷義近・物質系専攻
"Development of Electric-Field Measurement System Using the Pockels Effect" University of Warwick 西浦正樹・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Foray into Nuclear Fusion - An interesting Mathematical Journey" SRM University 高瀬雄一・複雑理工学専攻
"Distribution and expression level of A type Allatostatin(AST-A) in the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus" Zhejiang University 片岡宏誌、永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"RNA interference and lipid analyses on Gryllus bimaculatus, two-spotted crickets" Zhejiang University 片岡宏誌、永田晋治・先端生命科学専攻
"Color vision genotyping in capuchin monkeys" Zhejiang University 河村正二・先端生命科学専攻
"Search and genotyping for L/M hybrid opsin genes in Howler monkey" Zhejiang University 河村正二・先端生命科学専攻
"Inferring Intracellular Target of Antifungal Compound Amorolfine" Chulalongkorn University 大矢禎一、鈴木邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"Identification of an antifungal drug classifier by morphological profiling" Free University of Berlin 大矢禎一、鈴木邦律・先端生命科学専攻
"The Investigation of EcRB1&USP Gene Function in Bombyx mori" Zhejiang University 藤原晴彦・先端生命科学専攻
"The Investigation of Melanin Synthesis Related Genes TH and yellow in silkworm Bombyx mori" Zhejiang University 藤原晴彦・先端生命科学専攻
"Radiation Induced Apoptosis in Medaka Optic Tectum and Its Protection by NO Release Drug- ISDN" Middle East Technical University 三谷啓志・先端生命科学専攻
"Comparison fo two NO releasing drugs in terms of radiation induced apoptosis" Zhejiang University 三谷啓志・先端生命科学専攻
"Economic Feasibility of Carbon Capture and Storage for A large Thermal Power Plant in India" M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Measurement of the dynamic motion of a FOWT scale model under different wave-wind conditions"ト The American University in Cairo 鈴木英之、平林紳一郎・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Analysis of Kuroshio current velocity fluctuations & motion of floating ocean current turbine(FOCT)" IIT Madras 高木健・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Waveheight Estimation Using ALOS-PALSAR Satellite Imagery" Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Conducting Properties of Ba(Zr0.8Y0.2)O2.95 [BZY20]" M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology 大友順一郎・環境システム学専攻
"Problem of permeability reduction after halite dissolution in sandstone rocks" Kazakh-British Technical University 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"A Minority Game Method in Analyzing the Transport Network" Cornell College Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Knowledge diffusion in organizations" Universidad de Chile Yu Chen・人間環境学専攻
"Sphere Marker-based Registration System of 3D Point Cloud Data" National University of Singapore 大和裕幸、稗方和夫・人間環境学専攻
"The Impact of Chinese Trade on African Economy" Peking University 鈴木綾・国際協力学専攻
"Risk Evaluation for the Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy considering the influence of Maintenance" Tongji University 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"A Review of Transdiciplinary Framework in GPSS Sustainability Science Research" Bandung Institute of Technology 味埜俊・GPSS-GLI

2013年 プレゼンテーション

タイトル 所属大学 指導教員・専攻
"Characterising a Cyclohexane Fuel Cell" Trinity College of London 木村薫・物質系専攻
"Toward an Environment-responsive Artificial Bio-reactor" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 上田卓也、富田野乃・メディカル情報生命専攻
"The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles" Trinity College Dublin 大島義人・環境システム学専攻
"Permeability Measurement of Halite Cemented Sediments -- Results/Mistakes/Solutions" Tongji University 徳永朋祥・環境システム学専攻
"Coding for Fourier Fringe Analysis" Punjab Technical University 小紫公也・先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Agent Based Modelling of Organization" University of Malaya Yu Chen・GPSS-GLI
"Effect of Grain Size on Thermoelectric Properties of AlCuRuFe Quasicrystal" Seoul National University 木村薫・物質系専攻
"Resettlement and Attitude Change - A Network Perspective" University of Munich 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Detection of Unusual Behavior in Elderly Users of On-demand Transportation" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 大和裕幸、稗方和夫・GPSS-GLI
"Inclusive Impact Index "Triple I" Light and Its Application on Tuna Fishery Activity (Case Study: Indonesia and Japan)" Institute of Technology Bandung 佐藤徹・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Resilience: A Comparative Study between Nangroe Aceh Darussalam-Indonesia and Tohoku-Japan in Aftermath of Severe Disasters" Institute of Technology Bandung 本田利器・国際協力学専攻
"Impact of Chinese CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) on Firm Performance" Peking University 戸堂康之・国際協力学専攻
"Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 (Case Study: Fishery in Sanriku Coast)" University of Indonesia 小松輝久・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Interannual Variation in Oceanic Circulation of the Yellow Sea" Tongji University 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻
"Implementing the High-Order Spectral Method (HOSM) for Rogue Wave Simulation in Python" Massachusetts Institute of Technology 早稲田卓爾・海洋技術環境学専攻



2023年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
Reduction of GHG Emission in Maritime Transportation 稗方 和夫 人間環境学専攻
How long should we sustain our society? - From a viewpoint of Japan, one of the most disaster-prone countries - 小貫 元治 国際協力学専攻
Introduction of the physical oceanography of the Arctic Ocean 小平 翼 海洋技術環境学専攻
Micro-structure analysis of soft materials for understanding their physical properties 眞弓 皓一 物質系専攻
Climate change and multilateral governance 亀山 康子 サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラム
What we can learn from plants? - From recent outputs of Lab Plant Functional Analyses 大谷 美沙都 先端生命科学専攻

2022年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"Deciphering genomes: the most ancient texts" Martin FRITH メディカル情報生命専攻
"​CO2 concentration in seawater" 佐藤 徹 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Natural Disaster Prevention and Social Resilience" 本田 利器 国際協力学専攻

2021年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"Infrastructure Resilience for Natural Disasters" 本田利器 国際協力学専攻
"Climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban estuaries" 佐々木淳 社会文化環境学専攻
"A complex-systems paradigm for trans-disciplinary environmental studies" Yu CHEN 人間環境学専攻
"Deciphering genomes: the most ancient texts" Martin FRITH メディカル情報生命専攻
"Local Emergency in Future - Shinchi Town, Fukushima Prefecture as an example-" 井原智彦 環境システム学専攻
"Cases of Area Study in Japan and Malaui" 草苅康子 環境システム学専攻


2019年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"Magnetism and electricity from the viewpoint of materials' symmetry‐Materials converting mechanical force into electricity and magnetism into electricity -" 木村剛 物質系専攻
"Human genetic adaptation and diseases" 中山一大 先端生命科学専攻
"Ocean waves in science, engineering, and art" 早稲田卓爾 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Supercritical Water - Application to Environmentally Benign Processes-" 大島義人 環境システム学専攻
"Development of a novel cogeneration photovoltaic and solar thermal system" Chaobin DANG 人間環境学専攻
"The Past, Present and Future of Infrastructure in Japan" 堀田昌英 国際協力学専攻

2018年 講義

講義名 講師 Department
"Fusion: Energy of the Future" 高瀬雄一 複雑理工学専攻
"Introduction to primate color vision diversity and Japanese snow monkeys" 河村正二 先端生命科学専攻
"Deciphering genomes: the oldest texts" Martin Frith メディカル情報生命専攻
"Land subsidence management - classic but ongoing environment issue-" 愛知正温 環境システム学専攻
"Japan's exclusive economic zone and Ocean technology policy" 高木健 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Simulation of complex systems" Yu Chen 人間環境学専攻

2017年 講義

Lecture Lecturer Department
"Vortex - from nature to ocean engineering" 平林紳一郎 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Nuclear Fusion and Solar Physics - Natural and Artificial Suns" 小野靖 先端エネルギー工学専攻
"Sensing technologies for human healthcare" 割澤伸一 人間環境学専攻
"Sustainability Science - from Japanese Perspective" 小貫元治 GPSS-GLI
"Environmental Restoration and Disaster Mitigation in Estuarine and Coastal Areas" 佐々木淳 社会文化環境学専攻
"Insect survival strategies in Japan" 永田晋治 先端生命科学専攻

2016年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"The molecular mechanical doll made in Japan" 上田卓也 メディカル情報生命専攻
"The Past, Present and Future of Infrastructure in Japan" 堀田昌英 国際協力学専攻
"One-way Transparency of Light" 有馬孝尚 物質系専攻
"Ocean waves in science, engineering and art" 早稲田卓爾 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Perspective of future energy mix in Japan for low-carbon society" 大友順一郎 環境システム学専攻
Lecture by Chaobin Dang 人間環境学専攻

2015年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"Creation of artificial cell" 上田卓也 メディカル情報生命専攻
"Spin currents and related phenomena" 大谷義近 物質系専攻
"Evaluation of Power Generation Technologies Using Triple I Considering Public Acceptance" 佐藤徹 海洋技術環境学専攻
"Discrete Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems" Yu Chen 人間環境学専攻
"Complex Systems Design" 稗方和夫 人間環境学専攻
"Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection" 小野靖 先端エネルギー工学専攻

2014年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"An introduction to primatology: with a video on Japanese monkeys and Japanology" 河村正二 先端生命科学専攻
"Voyagers of Japanese Insect Science -the past to present and future" 永田晋治 先端生命科学専攻
"Social Resilience: Strength against Severe Natural Disasters" 本田利器 国際協力学専攻
"Microplasma: Frontier of Plasma as Transdisciplinary Science" 寺嶋和夫 物質系専攻
"Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone and Ocean Technology Policy" 高木健 海洋技術環境学専攻

2013年 講義

講義名 講師 専攻
"Sustainability - A key concept for designing the future society" 味埜俊 GPSS-GLI
"Image of Interdisciplinary Science - Sword, Quasicrystal and Bonding Conversion" 木村薫 物質系専攻
"The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake - Damage and Recovery" 本田利器 国際協力学専攻
"Origin of life and creation of cell" 上田卓也 メディカル情報生命専攻