Message from the Dean

Message from the Dean

Tomochika Tokunaga
Dean, the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo

Welcome to the website of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. I am Tomochika Tokunaga, Dean of the Graduate School.

Our school was established in 1998 to open up new academic fields with the support of the University of Tokyo. We named the school "Frontier Sciences" based on our mission pioneering new fields. The school is located on the Kashiwa Campus, approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. We share research institutions of the University of Tokyo on the same campus where we pursue "adventures of knowledge." The town of Kashiwa-no-ha, where our school is located, has been developing with our school. Based on our school's motto, "transdisciplinary research," we conduct research on urban designing and solving issues for the local community and with the community.

The school has a faculty of 550 and 1,500 graduate students. Every year, we receive approximately 550 new students, and one-third of them come from overseas. On the Kashiwa Campus, we conduct research and education aiming to solve issues the modern society has imagining the future of our society. To conduct innovative research, integrating research of various fields is essential, as well as deepening research in each field. And that is our policy and mission.

Moreover, we open our door to the world. We receive many researchers and students from abroad to our Kashiwa Campus. One of our exchange programs for international students is the University of Tokyo Summer Internship in Kashiwa. We call it UTSIP. Excellent undergraduate students from abroad participate in this program. We provide them with opportunities to experience cutting-edge research for seven weeks. Some students who studied in my laboratory entered our school after they experienced the UTSIP program. Students from all different countries, including UTSIP students and Japanese students, create a globalized atmosphere in our school. They actively participate in studies, research, school and community activities and grow experiencing them.

We have offices on our campus to provide full support for students to have safe and fruitful life here. For example, the International Liaisons Office supports international students by offering many opportunities to experience Japanese culture and various things. The Educational Support Office supports students' research and education. It is certainly meaningful for both students and professors to develop research and the environment into a more and more globalized one.

The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences offers chances and places for students, faculty, and staff to cultivate new academic fields. Anyone who is interested in our research and policy is all welcome. We are waiting for you to come and join us.


Tomochika Tokunaga
Dean, the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo