奈良 一秀
(なら かずひで/教授/環境学研究系)

2016年4月東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科教授 現在に至る
1) Kinoshita, A., Sasaki, H., Nara, K. Phylogeny and diversity of Japanese truffles (Tuber spp.) inferred from sequences of four nuclear loci. Mycologia in press.
2) Tedersoo, L., Nara, K. (2010) General latitudinal gradient of biodiversity is reversed in ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 185: 351-354
3) Ishida, T.A., Nara, K., Ma, S., Takano, T., Liu, S. (2009) Ectomycorrhizal fungal community in alkaline-saline soil in northeastern China. Mycorrhiza 19: 329-335
4) Tanaka, M., Nara, K. (2009) Phylogenetic diversity of non-nodulating Rhizobium associated with pine ectomycorrhizae. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 69: 329-343.
5) Nara, K. (2009) Spores of ectomycorrhizal fungi: ecological strategies for germination and dormancy. New Phytologist 181: 245-248
6) Ishida, T.A., Nara, K., Tanaka, M., Kinoshita, A., Hogetsu, T. (2008) Germination and infectivity of ectomycorrhizal fungal spores in relation to ecological traits during primary succession. New Phytologist 180: 491-500
7) He, X.H. Nara, K. (2007) Element biofortification: can mycorrhizas potentially offer a more effective and sustainable pathway to curb human malnutrition? Trends in Plant Science 12: 331-333
8) Ishida, T. A., Nara, K., Hogetsu, T. (2007) Host effects on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities: insight from eight host species in mixed conifer-broadleaf forests. New Phytologist 174: 430-440
9) Lian, C., Narimatsu, M., Nara, K., Hogetsu, T. (2006) Reproduction patterns of Tricholoma matsutake in a natural Pinus densiflora forest: correspondence between above- and below-ground genets, association to multiple host trees, and alteration of existing ectomycorrhizal communities. New Phytologist 171: 825-836
10) Nara, K. (2006) Pioneer dwarf willow may facilitate tree succession by providing late colonizers with compatible ectomycorrhizal fungi in a primary successional volcanic desert. New Phytologist 171: 187-198
11) Nara, K. (2006) Ectomycorrhizal networks and seedling establishment during early primary succession. New Phytologist 169: 169-178
12) Wu, B., Nara, K. and Hogetsu, T. (2005) Genetic structure of Cenococcum geophilum populations in primary successional volcanic deserts on Mount Fuji as revealed by microsatellite markers. New Phytologist 165: 285-293
13) Nara, K., Hogetsu, T. (2004) Ectomycorrhizal fungi on established shrubs facilitate subsequent seedling establishment of successional plant species. Ecology 85: 1700-1707
14) Nara, K., Nakaya, H., Wu, B., Zhou, Z., Hogetsu, T. (2003) Underground primary succession of ectomycorrhizal fungi in a volcanic desert on Mount Fuji. New Phytologist 159: 743-756
15) Zhou, Z., Miwa, M., Nara, K., Wu, B., Nakaya, H., Lian, C., Miyashita, N., Oishi, R., Maruta, E., Hogetsu, T. (2003) Patch establishment and development of a clonal plant, Polygonum cuspidatum, on Mount Fuji. Molecular Ecology 12: 1361-1373
16) Nara, K., Nakaya, H., Hogetsu, T. (2003) Ectomycorrhizal sporocarp succession and production during early primary succession on Mount Fuji. New Phytologist 158:193-206
17) Lian C., Oishi R., Miyashita N., Nara K., Nakaya H., Zhou Z., Wu B., Hogetsu T. (2003) Genetic structure and reproduction dynamics of Salix reinii during primary succession on Mount Fuji, as revealed by nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite analysis. Molecular Ecology 12: 609-618
18) Wu B., Nara K., Hogetsu T. (2001) Can 14C-labeled photosynthetic products move between Pinus densiflora seedlings linked by ectomycorrhizal mycelia? New Phytologist 149:137-146
1)奈良一秀 (2010) 知られざるトリュフの世界 (翻訳・解説記事). 日経サイエンス2010年7月号 pp. 94-102
2)Nara, K. (2008) Community development patterns and ecological functions of ectomycorrhizal fungi: implication from primary succession. In Mycorrhiza (3rd edition), Ajit Varma ed. Springer, Germany, pp. 581-599
3)奈良一秀(2008)菌根菌による植生遷移促進機構. In: 攪乱と遷移の自然史. 重定・露崎 編. 北海道大学出版会. pp. 95-111
4)奈良一秀 (1998) ブナ林の共生菌とその役割。金子繁・佐橋憲生 編;ブナ林をはぐくむ菌類 文一総合出版 pp.79-149
日本森林学会、日本菌学会、日本生態学会、日本森林立地学会、菌根研究会、植物微生物研究会、Ecological Society of America, Mycological Society of America、各会員。