小口 高
(おぐち たかし/教授/環境学研究系)

1985年3月 東京大学理学部卒,1991年7月 東京大学理学部助手,1997年3月 アリゾナ大学客員研究員,1997年10月 英国水文学研究所客員研究員,1998年6月 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター准教授,2007年5月 メンフィス大学客員教授(現職),2009年2月 東京大学空間情報科学研究セ
1) Hashimoto, A, Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y., Lin, Z., Saito, K. and Wasklewicz, T.A. (2007): GIS analysis of depositional slope change at alluvial-fan toes in Japan and the American Southwest. Geomorphology, in press.
2) Hayakawa, Y.S., Oguchi, T., Komatsubara, J., Ito, K., Hori, K. and Nishiaki, Y. (2007): Rapid on-site topographic mapping with a handheld laser range finder for a geoarchaeological survey in Syria. Geographical Research, 45, 95-104.
3) Oguchi, T., Hori, K., Watanuki, T., Oguchi, C.T., Komatsubara, J. and Hayakawa, Y. (2007): Fluvial surfaces along the Khabur River near Tell Seker al-Aheimar and their palaeoenvironmental implications. In: Nishiaki, Y., Kashima, K. and Verhoeven, M. (eds.) Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond. UMUT Monograph Series, in press.
4) Takagi, T., Oguchi, T., Matsumoto, J., Grossman, M.J., Sarker, M.H. and Matin, M.A. (2007): Channel braiding and stability of the Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh, since 1967: GIS and remote sensing analyses. Geomorphology, 85, 294-305.
5) Hayakawa, Y.S. and Oguchi, T. (2006): DEM-based identification of fluvial knickzones and its application to Japanese mountain rivers. Geomorphology, 78, 90-106.
6) Lin, Z. and Oguchi, T. (2006): DEM analysis on longitudinal and transverse profiles of steep mountainous watersheds. Geomorphology, 78, 77-89.
7) Hayakawa, Y. and Oguchi, T. (2005): Evaluation of gravel sphericity and roundness based on surface-area measurement with a laser scanner. Computers & Geosciences, 31, 735-741.
8) 高木哲也・小口 高・財城真寿美・松本 淳(2005):バングラデシュを対象とした地形・地質研究.地形,26,405-422.
9) Lin, Z. and Oguchi, T. (2004): Drainage density, slope angle, and relative basin position in Japanese bare lands from high-resolution DEMs. Geomorphology, 63, 159-173.
10) Siakeu, J., Oguchi, T., Aoki, T., Esaki, Y. and Jarvie, H.P. (2004): Change in riverine suspended sediment concentration in central Japan in response to late 20th century human activities. Catena, 55, 231-254.
1)国際誌編集活動:Co-Editor-in-Chief: Geomorphology (Elsevier). Member of Editorial Board: Catena (Elsevier), Geography Compass (Blackwell), The Open Geology Journal (Bentham Science). Member of International Advisory Board: Geographical Research (Blackwell).
2)国際学会活動:Vice-President, Working Group of Human Impact on the Landscape, International Association of Geomorphologists. Member of Steering Committee: Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification, International Geographical Union; Working Group of Planetary Geomorphology, International Association of Geomorphologists; Trans Asiatic GIS Society.