- 講義:
- 2016年5月25日 16:50~18:35
- 場所:
- 新領域基盤棟大講義室(2C0)

大矢 禎一 教授Single cell phenomics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful approach to investigate strain-to-strain and cell-to-cell diversity in an unbiased and statistical way. We applied this technique to sake yeast strains to investigate their diversification during the breeding process. Strain-to-strain comparison revealed that the sake yeast population was diverse compared with S. cerevisiae in general. We also observed an association between morphological profiles and genotypes. Comparison with the lineage map revealed that cross breeding had more profound effects on morphology than mutation breeding. Cell- to-cell diversity revealed that robustness was perturbed in some sake yeast strains, resulting in impairment of important intracellular systems. Thus, our high-dimensional, single-cell phenotyping provides valuable information on the breeding of sake yeast, which will be useful for future studies of breeding strategies in other microorganisms.

阿久津 好明 准教授

杉本 宜昭 准教授原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を用いると絶縁体も含めた様々な材料表面を原子分解能で測定することができる。AFMとは、鋭い針を測定試料に近づけ、針先端の原子と試料表面の原子との間に働く相互作用力を測定することによって、針下の局所的な情報を得る顕微鏡である。 今回、様々な表面の原子分解能観察や個々の原子の元素同定の試みおよび原子操作による究極的な微細加工について、超高真空で行ってきた研究を紹介する。