Past Gakuyugo Seminar |

AY2010 6th Gakuyugo Seminar

Nov 24, 2010 16:30 - 18:00
Large Lecture Room (2C0), New Frontier Science Bldg.
Associate Professor Takehiko Sasaki

Catalytic Chemistry for the Realization of a Sustainable Society

Associate Professor Takehiko Sasaki

Catalytic chemistry is highly important both in terms of basic research and industrial applications. It is also a field in which Japan is strong, as shown by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded this year to Professors Suzuki and Negishi for their research in catalytic chemistry. In recent years, global warming and the need to secure resources and energy are threatening our sustainable survival, and catalytic chemistry is expected to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. Catalytic chemistry is based on the material science of developing new materials that can be used as catalysts, and extracting their reactivity and selectivity, and we will introduce our recent research on ionic liquids, nanoparticles, and metal oxides.

Naotaka Kodachi

Recent developments in RNA secondary structure analysis

Naotaka Kodachi

RNA is a chemical compound that is essential for the functioning of cells. Our understanding of the role of RNA molecules in the cell has evolved significantly in the past decade. As a result, the information science methods for analyzing RNA molecules have also changed remarkably. In this lecture, we will review the recent development of computer-based methods for analyzing the structure of RNA molecules.

Associate Professor Jun Yoshinaga

Risk Assessment of Chemicals: To Be Scared Properly

Associate Professor Jun Yoshinaga

Explain human health effects assessment and risk assessment of chemical substances with some examples.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.