Past Gakuyugo Seminar |

AY2014 6th Gakuyugo Seminar

Nov 26, 2014 16:40 - 18:10
Large Lecture Room (2C0), New Frontier Science Bldg.
Lecturer Aya Suzuki

Globalization and Developing Country Producers

Lecturer Aya Suzuki

 The globalization of food is accelerating with the improvement of transportation technology, for example, salmon farmed in Chile and processed in Vietnam is eaten in conveyor-belt sushi restaurants in Japan. What are the implications of this phenomenon for producers in developing countries? In this seminar, we will review recent research trends, introduce the results of quantitative analysis using micro data, and discuss the potential impact of this phenomenon on poverty reduction.

Associate Professor Noboru Kunihiro

Analyze cryptographic security.

Associate Professor Noboru Kunihiro

 With the development of the information society, security risks have become a real threat while convenience has improved. Cryptography is becoming more and more important as an effective method to avoid security risks. In this talk, I will first introduce some attacks on cryptography that have occurred in the real world, and then confirm that analyzing the security of cryptography will eventually lead to the realization of more secure cryptographic schemes. Finally, we will introduce an example of security evaluation using more advanced mathematical methods.

Professor Masashi Ugaki

Survival strategies of plant viruses

Professor Masashi Ugaki

 Like us humans, plants get sick. While fungi, bacteria, and viruses are known to cause plant diseases, the amount of genetic information possessed by viruses is extremely small. Therefore, viruses have evolved to express multiple proteins from a single gene, or to have a single protein with multiple functions. I would like to introduce some of them.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.