Past Gakuyugo Seminar |

AY2018 7th Gakuyugo Seminar

Dec 19, 2018 16:50 - 18:35
Large Lecture Room (2C0), New Frontier Science Bldg.
Lecturer Kazuo Yoshioka

Small Planet Exploration

Lecturer Kazuo Yoshioka

The world of planetary exploration has been led by huge organizations such as NASA, but recently there has been an increase in small missions led by private and university research teams. In this article, we will introduce the ingenuity and ingenuity used to achieve small but significant scientific results, following the development of actual missions.

Professor Shun Nagata

The Big Work of Small Microbes: On the Ocean Carbon Cycle

Professor Shun Nagata

The ocean is home to an enormous number of bacteria, viruses and protists. These organisms form a material circulation system called the microbial loop, which influences the ocean carbon cycle and, ultimately, the global climate. In this talk, I will introduce recent research results on the role of microbial communities in the ocean carbon cycle.

Professor Shigeru Tabeita

Fisheries simulator for the regeneration of coastal fisheries

Professor Shigeru Tabeita

Coastal fisheries in Japan are in a severe situation, with a decrease in the number of workers and fish catches. In order to make coastal fisheries more rational, we are developing a fisheries simulator to study the effects of fisheries management and other factors. This presentation will focus on a case study of application to a small bottom seine fishery in Ise Bay.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.