Past Gakuyugo Seminar |

AY2022 The 3rd Gakuyugo Seminar

Jun 15, 2022 4:50-6:35pm
AKIZUKI Makoto, Lecturer

It’s Used Around You: Supercritical Fluid and Its Application Technology

AKIZUKI Makoto, Lecturer

A supercritical fluid is a fluid that exceeds the critical temperature and pressure. It is different from gasses or liquids and has unique characteristics. The word especially with “supercritical” may sound very unfamiliar but in fact, it is used for creating products around you and for energy related technologies. In this seminar, an example of technology with which a supercritical fluid is used and also how the laboratory in which chemical reactions occur is now becoming eco-friendly will be introduced.  

KITA Koji, Professor

Science of Forming MOS Interface by Oxidation and Nitrogen Reactions of the Silicon Carbide Surface

KITA Koji, Professor

The market of silicon carbide semiconductor devices is now burgeoning as the key to enhancing the energy efficiency of power conversion on EVs and trains. Its performance depends on the channel characteristics of MOSFET. In this seminar, outlining technology of silicon carbide semiconductor devices, the characteristics of oxidation and nitrogen reactions of the silicone carbide’s surface, which is necessary to form a high-quality gate insulator on silicon carbide, will be explained.

KOBAYASHI Susumu, Visiting Professor

Advantage and Disadvantage of Molecularly Targeted Therapy for Cancer

KOBAYASHI Susumu, Visiting Professor

In recent years, various gene mutations which can be causes of cancer are identified and molecularly targeted therapies are producing successful results. On the other hand, clinically, drug resistance mainly due to the cancer’s heterogenicity is a major issue. Outlines of the basics and clinical application of cancer molecularly targeted therapies, mechanisms of drug resistance and treatments for recovery from it will be given in this lecture.