AY2022 The 6th Gakuyugo Seminar
- Date&Time:
- Nov 16, 2022 4:50PM-6:35PM
- Venue:
- Online

Discrete Micro-Modeling and Simulation in Complex Systems
Professor Yu CHEN
System dynamics modeling and simulation are essential for complex systems research. In addition to the conventional modeling methodologies based on PDE, there are other techniques of highly abstracting behaviors and interactions of system components and developing so-called “discrete micro-models”. In this seminar, I will explain about the preconditions, applicability, construction methodology, and sample cases to use this type of modeling and simulation techniques.

Abnormality of Cell Adhesion in Cancer
Professor MURAKAMI Yoshinori
Cell adhesion is important for multicellular organisms’ biological control. Various morbid states relate with abnormality of cell adhesion. In this seminar, I will talk on the abnormality of cell adhesion in cancer.

The Polymer Gel That Gets Tougher When Stretched
Associate Professor MAYUMI Koichi
We discovered that when polymer gel with controlled structure gets stretched, the polymer chains become crystallized (strain-induced crystallization). In this seminar, I will explain how polymer gel becomes tougher by the strain-induced crystallization.