Honors & Awards

Assoc. Professor K.HASHIMOTO and Dr. K.KIMURA Won the Young Scientists' Award 2022 from MEXT

Release:Apr 7, 2023 Update:Jun 15, 2023
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Associate Professor HASHIMOTO Kenichiro and Research Associate (at the time of conducting the awarded research) KIMURA Kenta won the Young Scientists' Award 2022 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Young Scientists' Award
Study of quantum phases of matter induced by multiple degrees of freedom in strongly correlated electron materials
HASHIMOTO Kenichiro, Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Materials Science, GSFS

Message from Awardee:
I am truly honored to receive such a prestigious award. I would like to express my gratitude to the research team and all who supported the research. Quantum science and technology, which precisely controls the quantum of matters and enables matters to express functionalities, is essential to realize a data-driven society in the future.


Young Scientists' Award
Study on electromagnetic responses in antiferromagnets with broken time-reversal and space inversion symmetries
KIMURA Kenta, Research Associate, Department of Advanced Materials Science, GSFS (at the time of conducting the awarded research)

Message from Awardee:

I am truly honored to receive such a prestigious award. I would like to express my gratitude to the research team and everyone who supported me in various ways, including paperwork and all related to the research. Response of matters to the electric field, the magnetic field, and electromagnetic waves support the bases of all electric devices' behaviors. Encouraged by this honor, I will more and more strive to my research toward finding a groundbreaking electric response that will be useful for our future.


For more details about the award and the reasons for being selected as awardees, visit the MEXT website.
Scroll down the MEXT's webpage to find the list of the awardees by PDF. The award ceremony will be held on Wednesday, April 19 online.

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