Entrance exam

Date Organize Time Others
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences’ online orientation for entrance examinations.
After the general explanation, more detailed explanation from each major is scheduled.
10:00- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences’orientation
13:00- More detailed explanation from each major
Online (zoom)
Online orientation for entrance examinations.(simplified version)
After the explanation from each major,online open lab (not all lab)
13:00- Overview and explanation from each major
14:30- Online open lab (not all lab)
Online (zoom)
Orientation for entrance examinations(details version)at Kashiwa campus
Overview and each lab's brief introduction,poster session, open lab, lab tour (You can visit lab and freely able to ask questions to students and faculties)
12:30- Reception
13:00- Overview and each lab's brief introduction
14:00- Poster session, Open lab, Lab tour
Kashiwa Campus
Orientation for entrance examinations(simplified version) Kashiwa Campus + Online(zoom)
Overview and explanation about the entrance examination,open lab(not all labs)
※All sessions will be held in English.
10:00~10:20-Overview and explanation about the entrance examination
10:20~12:00- Open lab(not all lab)
Kashiwa Campus + Online(zoom)

Master's COURSE

Application period Examination date
2024.6.6(Thu.) to 2024.6.12(Wed.) 1st-stage Specialized subject 8.20(Tue.) 13:40~16:40
2nd-stage Oral examination 8.26(Mon.) 9:00~18:00

DOCTORAL COURSE Admission schedule A

Application period Examination date
2024.6.6(Thu.) to 2024.6.12(Wed.) Specialized subject 8.20(Tue.) 13:40~16:40
Oral examination 8.23(Fri.) 13:00~18:00

DOCTORAL COURSE Admission schedule B 
 (Special Selection for Applicants with Overseas Education Only)

Application period Examination date
2024.11.12(Tue.) to 2024.11.18(Mon.) Specialized subject 2025 January 22 (Mon.)
Oral examination 2025 January 28 (Tue.)

 (Special Selection for Applicants with Professions)

Application period Examination date
2024.6.6(Thu.) to 2024.6.12(Wed.) Oral examination 8.23(Fri.) 13:00~18:00

Application requirements and documents

Entrance Exams on schedule B will be conducted only for Doctoral Course
(Special Selection for Applicants with Overseas Education)

Past specialized subject problems

Since blank pages are excluded, there are some parts where the page numbers are discontinuous. FY2020 is not opened, since it was held online.

Question about entrance exam

Please use the inquiry Form on the information on Entrance Examinations page on the GSFS website for questions or inquiries.

the inquiry Form »

Previous Orientation for Entrance Examinations

Ckick to watch the video

Field of study