Sustainable Society Design Center is Launched
In April 2022, the center inaugurated the operation as an affiliated center of Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.
Professor KAMEYAMA Yasuko
Director of Sustainable Society Design Center
Message from the Director
Our society is now facing various problems. To make society sustainable, environmental health, economic stability and individual happiness must be fulfilled simultaneously. Sustainability studies seek solutions for complex and diverse issues in society. GSFS has been offering education on sustainability; however, we will offer students multifaceted educational programs to place philosophy into practice. In addition, for adult citizens outside the university, we will start recurrent educational programs. The center will nurture human resources who can contribute to the goals that the global commons of the University of Tokyo sets.
GSFS Year-Round Symposium Series
The panel discussion of the second symposium. The panelists are talking around the diorama of the town of Kashiwanoha.
The objective of GSFS is to explore new approaches integrating various research fields. Reflecting on past outcomes and achievements, we are holding a series of symposiums this year for the graduate school to proceed to the next phase. Every theme of the symposiums responds to society’s needs and seeks new academic fields. Experts will discuss recent social concerns and interests in public: 100 years of longevity, EVs, deep space exploration, sustainability, genome sciences, material creation, etc.
Symposium Calendar
1st | March 22 | Designing 100 Years of Your Life |
2nd | June 7 | Future of EVs: Decarbonation and Automation |
3rd | August 2 | Frontier Star: From Kashiwa to the Space (The 11th Deep Space Exploration Symposium) |
4th | September 14 | Celebration for SSD Center Establishment “How can we design a sustainable society?” |
Symposium Website:
More programs are scheduled later this year. Please check the website for the latest news.
GSFS Smart City School Started

Professor DEGUCHI Atsushi
Director of Smart City School
Dean of GSFS
GSFS started a new educational program, Smart City School, for active workers in April 2022. The purpose of this program is to foster innovators who will contribute to digital transformation in various cities and innovation for urban design. The participants can intensively learn the essence of Smart City through lectures, discussion, hands-on workshop on using advanced machines or applications, and field trips. During the first term from April 23 to June 25, the school received 23 participants. The second term will start in October at the satellite buildings in Tokyo and Kashiwa Campus as the main venues.
- Cover
- Feature Article: The Forefront of VR - POSSIBILITY OF HAPTICS
- Material Science: The Driver of Electron Device Evolution
- Floating Platform for Sustainable System
- Voices from International Students
- Awards
- Relay Essay: School in Switzerland